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Fermented symbiotics - Regenesis

Fermented synbiotics with kefir and kombucha go far beyond the function of probiotics. It creates a natural, diverse ecosystem with over 100 strains of beneficial microbes and nutrients that nourish the digestive flora. It's not about how many billions of CFU of bacteria you get in separately, but what kind of terrain you create for your own bacteria to form.

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Fermented symbiotics - Regenesis
Living Nutrition | Fermentovaná synbiotika - Regenesis - 60 ks

Why buy

Your Flora Regenesis by Living Nutrition is a live culture symbiotic based on a unique formulation that provides a complete ecosystem of microbes, colonizing factors and other substances that nourish your unique microbiome.

Regenesis is specifically designed to help regenerate the digestive environment. The symbiotic base is made from fermented and sprouted organic soybeans, which are ideal food for the cultivation of more than 100 species of beneficial microorganisms.

In Ayurveda, the gut is considered the home of our immune system. Regenesis contains other organic foods, namely artichoke and chicory, which are considered "prebiotic" foods to nourish beneficial gut flora.

This live symbiotic is ideal for your everyday lifestyle as it does not need to be stored in the fridge. The capsules can also be sprinkled into food if you have trouble swallowing the capsules.

  • A dietary supplement rich in enzymes and microorganisms, with organic artichoke and chicory added to regenerate the intestinal microflora.
  • Regenesis (regeneration) is aimed at problems with slow digestion and to support the regeneration of the intestinal microflora specially after the use of antibiotics.
  • Recommended to take with meals.
  • Highest bio-availability* thanks to this unique fermentation - the body perfectly absorbs the nutrients contained.
  • Sparingly freeze-dried foods - vacuum freeze-dried to preserve all nutrients.
  • Formulated by a British qualified nutritionist.
  • No fillers, binders, excipients, additives or artificial ingredients are ever used in any Living Nutrition products.
  • The entire production process is controlled by the British Soil Association Organic, which has certified the entire range organic.

*the extent to which a specific tissue or organ absorbs a substance after oral ingestion in order for the substance to have the desired effect on the body.

Benefits of artichoke and chicory

Artichoke and chicory contain the prebiotic fibre inulin. This fiber is not absorbed, but instead provides a food source for the growth of your microflora. Artichoke contains a number of antioxidants and phytonutrients that give it a reputation as a liver-friendly food and one of the natural plant foods with the highest nutrient content.

These ingredients are added to Your Flora Regenesis to promote the repopulation or "regeneration" of the digestive tract. It is especially advisable to take them after treatment with antibiotics, which can lead to bacterial imbalances and discomfort. This combination is bitter and mitigates the doshas of Pitta and Kapha.


Your Flora synbiotic blend provides the body with a complete living ecosystem of microorganisms and nutrients = the body receives the maximum amount of activated nutrition without compromise. Synbiotics represent a new, more effective generation of dietary supplements that combine the positive effects of prebiotics with probiotics.

Only certified organic ingredients and traditional methods are used for the entire production process to achieve the best results. In the final stages of fermentation, the ingredients are freeze-dried to preserve their natural form. Finally, the product is analysed to determine its final nutritional values.

Reviews from the UK

I have diverticulitis and had a severe flare up in November 2020. My brother visited our local health food store in Rawtenstall and was recommended Your Flora Regenesis. I started taking it right away and immediately my stomach stopped hurting. I now take it most days when I have a problem. With diverticulitis it's up and down for me, I suffer from either constipation, then diarrhea, but when I take Regenesis it seems to "better" stabilize my conditions. I still have daily morning attacks or diarrhea, but Regenesis relieves me of the pain.

What are symbiotics Living Nutrition

  • Kefir style fermentation in small batches over a period of one month.
  • Made with 35 strains of important microorganisms.
  • Contains more than 1 billion live probiotic bacteria (CFU) at the time of production.
  • It provides a complete eco-system of holistic foods.
  • Rich in bioavailable nutrients and enzymes.
  • Fermented soy foods such as miso, tempeh or natto have been consumed for centuries and are considered a valuable source of natural biotics and protein for vegetarians and vegans.

Symbiotics represent a new, more effective generation of dietary supplements that combine the positive effects of prebiotics with probiotics. Why the name symbiotics? Symbiosis is the close relationship of different organisms within an ecosystem that harmoniously complement each other for mutual benefit.

In the case of YOUR FLORA, these are prebiotic carriers in the form of dried fruits and vegetables, and probiotic cultures in the form of 35 strains of Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria - Kefi-soya™.

The resulting positive effect of this symbiosis allows live bacteria to better survive in the human gut and colonise it properly, as the human body cannot sufficiently restore the gut microflora on its own. Moreover, its population decreases with advancing years, stress, inappropriate diet, alcohol and drug consumption, smoking, and antibiotic and chemotherapy drugs.

These combination products help with various intestinal and digestive problems associated with antibiotic use, diarrhea or constipation, and generally contribute to improving overall immunity and health.

The symbiotic blend YOUR FLORA provides the body with a complete living ecosystem of microorganisms and nutrients = the body receives the maximum amount of activated nutrition without compromise.


Did you know that...?

Bacteria can divide every 15-20 minutes if conditions in the gut are favourable. Under unfavourable conditions, the bacteria are likely to either hibernate or die.

  • 1 bacterium multiplies to 64 billion after 12 hours in a favourable and supported environment.
  • 100 billion bacteria become zero in a toxic environment after 1 hour.

The intestines represent the largest contact surface of the body with the environment. They are therefore responsible for 70-80% of the immune system and thus our health.

Don't be fooled by the claim that more good bacteria in one capsule means better effectiveness for you. The fact remains that all living organisms need a healthy environment to survive and thrive.

A good environment is more important for good bacteria and your gut flora than the sheer number of bacteria present.

A scarecrow called soy

Research has shown that fermented soy foods are the best source of nutrition for a healthy gut microbiome. In recent years, soy itself has gained a mixed reputation, mainly due to the way it is grown, processed and consumed.

But what is forgotten is that soy in its fermented form, in foods such as miso, tempeh or natto, is highly nutritious and extremely beneficial for a healthy gut environment. Fermentation completely changes its original structure, which has a rather negative reputation.

Two studies conducted at the University of Illinois (UI) show that fermenting soyproducts can dramatically reduce the likelihood of of an allergic reaction.

More information about fermentation HERE.

Read more on this topic


'A microbe is nothing. The environment is everything.'

Louis Pasteur (French biologist, microbiologist and chemist)

Your digestive microbiome is designed to respond to food, not megadoses of synthetic substances.

Why choose symbiotics instead of probiotics

Symbiotics represent a new, more effective generation of dietary supplements that combine the positive effects of prebiotics with probiotics. Symbiosis is the close relationship of different organisms within an ecosystem that harmoniously complement each other for mutual benefit.

In the case of Your Flora, these are prebiotic carriers in the form of dried fruits and vegetables, and probiotic cultures in the form of 35 strains of Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria - Kefi-soya™.

The resulting positive effect of this symbiosis allows live bacteria to better survive in the human gut and colonise it properly, as the human body cannot sufficiently restore the gut microflora on its own.

Moreover, its population decreases with advancing years, stress, inappropriate diet, alcohol and drug consumption, smoking, and antibiotic and chemotherapy drugs.

These combination products help with various intestinal and digestive problems associated with antibiotic use, diarrhea or constipation, and generally contribute to improving overall immunity and health.

synbiotik kasple

The difference between prebiotics, probiotics and symbiotics

Prebiotics are essentially indigestible components of the diet and represent a "substrate" for beneficial intestinal bacteria, i.e. they induce specific changes in the composition and activity of the intestinal flora, in particular they promote the growth and multiplication of these friendly bacteria, thus benefiting their host. Prebiotics are mainly fibre-based, especially oligosaccharides, which are present in cereals, fruits and vegetables.

In the case of the YOUR FLORA symbiotic range, each product contains a specific fruit, vegetable or herb for its unique digestive properties. You will find, among others, banana, chamomile, aloe vera or peppermint.

Probiotics are live microorganisms, in other words, beneficial bacteria that live in the intestines. In the case of YOUR FLORA, there are 35 species of these live cultures, with beneficial effects on the health of the host when administered in adequate quantities.

Our digestive tract contains a huge variety of bacteria. However, from a health point of view, it is desirable that the digestive tract is populated with the right bacteria, with a predominance of Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria. These bacteria protect the organism from pathogens that have a negative effect on the human body.

Symbiotics are products that contain both a probiotic and a prebiotic at the same time. The beneficial effects of these two groups thus complement each other.

Why fermented Living Nutrition products

Living Nutrition 's fermentation-activated capsules offer a superior level of active ingredients. Thanks to fermentation, these vital components are activated and the human body is able to absorb them and make the most of their positive effects. Fermented mushrooms retain their holistic synergy while being much more concentrated and bioavailable.

Thanks to the fermentation process, they are also rich in beneficial microbes, enzymes and contain a number of signal molecules specific to the fermentation process.

Each capsule contains an organic blend of mushrooms fermented over an extended period of time using Living Nutrition's signature kefir-kombucha method, then carefully freeze-dried to preserve all of the unique nutrients. The mushrooms are then encapsulated in an organic fermented tapioca capsule, making them truly 100% organic inside and out.

Screenshot 2022-10-18 at 10-37-28 Nootropic Supplements for Focus & Cognitive Health

Who is behind the production?

The nutritional supplement is formulated by renowned English nutritional therapist, Graham Botfield, to achieve the right synergy of nutrients in which each food and herb perfectly complement each other.

Only the best organic ingredients are used for freshness and vitality. The fermentation production process (details under the tab titled Fermentation Process) is also designed and controlled by Graham.

The production of each mixture in this product line is supervised individually, as each mixture has different composition, requirements and purpose. All fermented blends are gently freeze-dried to preserve their freshness and capture the highest possible amount of active nutrients.

Founder Graham Botfield is a nutritional therapist and researcher who specialises in the digestive microbiome and the traditional use of herbs. He has worked with respected dietary supplement brands, including New Chapter.

Its founder and master herbalist, Paul Schulick, was a major influence on Graham's approach to developing nature-inspired dietary supplements. Together with another colleague, an expert in microbiology, Graham is constantly developing new fermented products and researching their benefits.

Graham's great passion, besides fermentation, is education. He uses his research at Living Nutrition to lecture on the benefits of fermented plants for modern health conditions. At Living Nutrition, we continue to be inspired by Graham's research to create products that work in harmony with the body's natural ecology.

Pokud změníme náš přístup k medicíně z boje proti nemocem na vytváření zdraví, přejdeme od megadávek inertních živin k jemnějším léčivým prvkům, které se nacházejí v přírodě. Pak si budeme vážit rostlin pro jeji (1)

Additional parameters

Category: Synbiotics, probiotics, prebiotics
Vhodné pro: Sugar Free-Lactose Free-Nut Free-GMO Free-Vegan-Certifikace BIO
Výrobce: Living Planet Distribution ltd.
Země původu: Velká Británie
Obal: Tmavé sklo a papírová krabička

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Probiotické kultury 08/08/2022 09:26
Dobrý den, ráda bych se zeptala, které probiotické kultury obsahují probiotika Living Nutrilon? Jde mi hlavně o kmeny Lactobacilus rhamnosus, Bifidobacterium lactis, Lactobacilus acidophilus... Děkuji za odpověď Klára Pokorná
Probiotické kultury 08/08/2022 10:55
Dobrý den přeji, tyto synbiotika obsahují přes 35 živých kultur vytvořených přirozeným procesem TROJITÉ fermentace (dle staré asijské receptury), mezi nimi určitě najdeme i vámi zmiňované druhy. Jak již název napovídá, LIVING NUTRITION nejsou vyráběné v laboratoři a izolované kultury se do nich nepřidávají. Tento produkt funguje na zcela jiné bázi než obyčejná probiotika. Postarají se o to, aby vaše střeva měla to správné a zdravé prostředí, ve kterém si bude schopno tvořit zdravé bakterie samo. Dopování probiotiky ve špatném střevním prostředí nevyřeší dlouhodobě nic. Střeva vše zničí. Bakterie se mohou rozdělovat každých 15-20 minut, pokud jsou podmínky ve střevě příznivé. V nepříznivých podmínkách bakterie pravděpodobně buď hibernují, nebo zemřou. 1 bakterie se v příznivém a podporovaném prostředí po 12 hodinách rozmnoží na 64 miliard. 100 miliard bakterií se v toxickém prostředí po 1 hodině stane nulou. Střeva představují největší styčnou plochou těla s okolním prostředím. A jsou tudíž zodpovědná za 70-80 % imunitního systému a potažmo našeho zdraví. Jak pravil Louis Pasteur (Francouzský biolog, mikrobiolog a chemik): 'Mikrob není nic. Prostředí je všechno.' Váš trávicí mikrobiom je navržen tak, aby reagoval na potraviny, ne na megadávky syntetických látek. Proč volit synbiotika namísto probiotik? Synbiotika představují novou účinnější generaci doplňků výživy, ve které se spojují pozitivní účinky prebiotik s probiotiky. Symbióza představuje blízký vztah různých organismů uvnitř ekosystému, které se harmonicky doplňují ku vzájemnému prospěchu. V případě Your Flora se jedná o prebiotické nosiče v podobě sušeného ovoce a zeleniny, a probiotické kultury v podobě 35 kmenů Lactobacillů a Bifidobakterií - Kefi-soya™. Výsledný pozitivní efekt této symbiózy umožňuje živým bakteriím lépe přežít v lidském střevě a správně jej kolonizovat, protože lidský organismus nedokáže střevní mikroflóru dostatečně obnovit sám. Její populace se navíc snižuje s přibývajícími roky, stresem, nevhodným stravováním, konzumací alkoholu a drog, kouřením či léky typu antibiotika a chemoterapeutika. Tyto kombinované přípravky pomáhají při různých střevních a zažívacích potížích spojených s užíváním antibiotik, při průjmu či zácpě, a obecně přispívají ke zlepšení celkové imunity a zdraví.

Living Nutrition is a British company founded in 2014 by nutritional therapist Graham Botfield. The basis of all their products is a specially developed kefir-combucha fermentation process that they apply to organic herbs and foods to create "living" dietary supplements. Everything is handcrafted in their custom-built laboratory and they personally oversee their plant products to ensure they develop to their optimum vitality.

The mission of Living Nutrition

As leaders in the new paradigm of plant-based fermented nutrition, the brand creates uniquely active dietary supplements that work in harmony with the body to support vibrant health. Because LIving Nutrition has always held itself to the highest standards, they have created a range of products that are second to none in terms of vibrant vitality and nutrient abundance.

Principles of Living Nutrition:

Vitality through nature - every ingredient and every process is 100% natural. Nature is always the guiding inspiration that connects to a better understanding of the principles of balance and vitality that underpin LN's work. Only by fully adhering to natural principles can we achieve perfect results.

No compromises - LN creates with awareness and always strives for perfection. They guarantee that they will never skimp or compromise on this approach for any reason. They understand very well what is at stake - your health and their values.

Based on research - living Nutrition products are researched and analysed in a state-of-the-art research and development centre at Dunsfold Park in Surrey.

Education and inspiration - LN provides an educational platform for this key area of fermented nutrition, including research and regular webinars. Through collaborative research, they want to inspire a renewed trust and understanding of nature as an essential foundation for human health.

Living Nutrition products are:

100% vegetable - all ingredients are from whole plants, gluten-free and suitable for vegans.

100% pure - free from excipients, binders, artificial compounds or additives.

Freeze dried - to maintain freshness and nutrient vitality.

100% organic - always from organic and biodynamic farming, if possible.

The world's first - a specially developed fermentation process for kefir and kombucha.

In clear capsules - organic, unique, solvent-free fermented casplings that are very easy to swallow.

100% non-GMO - GMO ingredients are prohibited in any part of the LN production process.

Raw - each product is nourished by freeze-dried ingredients and beneficial microbes and enzymes obtained through fermentation.

100% plastic free - LN does not use plastic in its packaging as a matter of principle.

History of Living Nutrition


LN's beginnings were very humble. Back then, everything was run from a single room in Graham's house in Sussex with some help from daughter Ella. The product line was initially launched with only one product, Your Flora, and the Signature herbal line.


With the growing popularity and enthusiastic feedback reaching all over Europe, Graham began to develop and add more products. To manage the logistics, Living Nutrition moved under Living Planet Distribution so Graham could focus more on formulations and research.


This has been a pivotal year for Living Nutrition. Their popularity has grown significantly due to customer feedback and interest in our fermentation. LN has won several awards, including the Natural and Organic award for best new herbal product for their fermented ashwagandha. They decided to take the big step and take fermentation into their own hands.

This has allowed them to introduce some innovations, including the use of the Flask system to "restructure" the input water and some new methods to increase the efficiency and diversity of the microbes in their fermentation process. In collaboration with research institutions, they have now been able to study the effects of our fermentation for different conditions.


In April, LN introduced a second generation of products with new eco-friendly, plastic-free packaging and an even more effective line of fermented products.

Founder of Living Nutrition

Founder Graham Botfield is a nutritional therapist and researcher who specialises in the digestive microbiome and the traditional use of herbs. He has worked with respected dietary supplement brands including New Chapter, whose founder and master botanist Paul Schulick was a major influence on Graham's approach to developing nature-inspired supplements. Together with an expert microbiologist, Graham is constantly developing new fermented products and researching their benefits.

"If we change our approach to medicine from fighting disease to creating health, we will move from mega-dosing inert nutrients to the more subtle healing elements found in nature. Then we will value plants for their natural intelligence that feeds information to our many cellular senses to promote healing. Fermentation is nature's alchemy that evolves plants to a higher level of vitality and nutrition, creating compounds that communicate balance and harmony to our bodies on all levels."

Graham Botfield

Living Nutrition's unique fermentation process

Step #1

At the beginning of this process is the careful selection of the freshest organic ingredients (biodynamic if possible). The water used is also double filtered and restructured using a specialised Flaska system.

Step #2

A highly concentrated and active inoculum is created by a hybrid of organic kefir grains and organic kombucha.

Step #3

An inoculum is added to the organic herbs and foods, the whole mixture is then fermented in small 10 litre batches under optimal conditions.

Step #4

After many weeks of care, including daily stirring and testing, fermentation is finally complete.

Step #5

The ferments are then carefully freeze-dried to remove all water and preserve all the delicate nutrients, enzymes and microbes.

Step #6

The finished product is finally sealed in an organic vegetable capsule wrapped in an amber glass bottle and 100% plastic-free packaging.

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