In December, we have prepared various Christmas special offers for you, which you can find in the tab called SALE. Our tips for gifts for your loved ones can be found under the CHRISTMAS 2023 tab. Have a wonderful Christmas and shop for what makes sense for your health and well-being.


When choosing baby wet wipes, it is good to take into account 2 things - the composition and the decomposition time. Classic napkins are a huge polluter because they are often made of plastic and take about 450 years to decompose. The eco versions, on the other hand , decompose within 60 days and have minimal environmental impact. And it may not even be a suitable option for children's skin, which often suffers from rashes, eczema and irritation. It is better to choose a simple composition without unnecessary substances such as parabens, SLS and others. Including eco-friendly wet wipes, we also offer wet wipes that are gentle on the nose.

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5 items to display
Water Based Wipes - Unscented deionized water based, no perfume - 56 pcs
Vodou vlhčené dětské ubrousky bez parfemace | JACKSON REECE
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 4

Natural, unscented wet wipes with aloe vera juice are great for children with very...

Plant Based Wipes - Aloe Vera with aloe vera and chamomile - 56 pcs
Dětské vlhčené ubrousky s aloe a heřmánkem|JACKSON REECE
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 4

Natural wet wipes for children with soothing herbal extracts of aloe and chamomile....

Exfoliating Dry Hemp Mitts great for pre-tanning and for tan removal - 4 pcs
SkinBare | Exfoliační rukavice z konopí - 4 ks
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 9

SkinBare exfoliating gloves made from natural hemp fibres gently remove dry skin and...

Make-up removing wipes with vit. E unscented - good for very sensitive skin, 100% degradable - 50 pcs
SkinBare | Odličovací ubrousky s vit. E 50 ks -
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 6

Set a new standard in skin care with SkinBare facial wipes, containing natural...

Exfoliating Dry Hemp Wipes gently remove dirt and dead skin cells - 30 pcs
SkinBare | Exfoliační ubrousky z konopí - 30 ks
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 9

These 100% biodegradable wipes are both skin and nature friendly and can be used alone...


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