In December, we have prepared various Christmas special offers for you, which you can find in the tab called SALE. Our tips for gifts for your loved ones can be found under the CHRISTMAS 2023 tab. Have a wonderful Christmas and shop for what makes sense for your health and well-being.

Vegan diet

Vegans do not eat or use anything of animal origin, not only meat, but also milk, eggs or bee products. Nor do they wear clothes made of wool, leather or silk. Maintaining a vegan lifestyle can be a bit more challenging, but nowadays there are plenty of plant-based alternatives that make life much easier and more enjoyable for vegans. Of course, we're thinking of you too, which is why you'll find plenty of natural or specially prepared vegan foods in our range - be sure to try our vegan chocolates with cashew milk, vegan biscuits from Pri's Puddings or a variety of vegan sauces from Ceylon Kokonati.

In our offer you can also find vegan food supplementssuch as plant vitamin D from a unique source - lichen! Or vegan omega 3 from seaweed. A vegan diet doesn't have to be boring! Take a look at what we've got in store for you and take your pick.

Page 1 of 13 - 305 items total





305 items to display
Xylitol PÜR Gum - Spearmint no sugar, aspartame nor allergens
The PUR Company | Xylitol žvýkačky PÜR - Spearmint - 55 ks
In stock
From € 3

A delicate, slightly sweet fresh mint flavour for your fresh breath! Soft, large pads,...

+ more
Xylitol PÜR Gum - Bubblegum no sugar, aspartame nor allergens
The PUR Company | Xylitol žvýkačky PÜR  - Bubblegum - 9 ks, 55 ks
In stock
From € 3

Xylitol chewing gum PÜR - Bubblegum is ideal for healthy snacking for children and...

+ more
Xylitol PÜR Gum - Peppermint no sugar, aspartame nor allergens
The PUR Company | Xylitol žvýkačky PÜR - Peppermint - 9 ks, 55 ks
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 3

The classic clean fresh flavour of peppermint will delight your palate and save your...

+ more
Xylitol PÜR Gum - Coolmint no sugar, aspartame nor allergens
The PUR Company | Xylitol žvýkačky PÜR  - Coolmint - 9 ks, 55 ks
In stock
From € 3

Coolmint natural chewing gum from Canadian manufacturer The PÜR Company offers a unique...

+ more
Xylitol PÜR Gum - Wintergreen no sugar, aspartame nor allergens
The PUR Company | Xylitol žvýkačky PÜR - Wintergreen - 55 ks
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 3

Experience an intense cooling mouthfeel and icy fresh breath with the amazing flavour...

+ more
Xylitol PÜR Gum - Cinnamon no sugar, aspartame nor allergens
The PUR Company | Xylitol žvýkačky PÜR  - Cinnamon - 9 ks, 55 ks
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 3

Let yourself be carried away by the classic, deliciously fragrant and slightly sweet...

+ more
Bragg original organic apple cider vinegar USDA Organic, RAW, s mateční kulturou - 473 ml, 946 ml
BRAGG - Prémiový BIO Raw Jablečný Ocet 1l
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 10

Bragg Original Organic Apple Cider Vinegar is a certified, unfiltered, uncooked and...

+ more
Fermented hericium mushroom pro podporu soustředění, kognitivních funkcí a nervů - 60 kapslí
Living Nutrition | Fermentovaný korálovec ježatý (hericium) - 60 ks
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 37

Fermented vital mushroom to support concentration, cognitive function and general...

Extra Virgin Avocado Oil unrefined Spanish avocado oil
Hunter a Gather | Extra panenský avokádový olej - 250 ml, 500 ml
In stock
From € 11

Extra Virgin Avocado Oil from Hunter & Gather Foods is high quality, cold pressed and...

+ more
Acaia EP BIO olive oil from Lesvos Ancient single - variety Kolovi (EP: Extra Virgin)
ACAIA | BIO Extra Panenský Olivový Olej - 250 ml
In stock
From € 14

"Acaia EP Organic Olive Oil from Lesvos is a premium product from Hellenic Agricultural...

+ more
A-OEVOO250- CZ-BIO-001
Xylitol PÜR Gum - Jumbo two fruity flavours, no sugar and allergens, 3 x bigger - 20 pcs
The PUR Company | Kanadské žvýkačky PÜR  - Jumbo - 20 ks
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 7

3x as big as the classic version! Go back to your childhood years with two sweet...

Fermented Ceylon Turmeric v ajúrvédě se využívá proti zánětům - 60 kapslí
Living Nutrition| Fermentovaná bio kurkuma - 60 kapslí
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 32

Turmeric is called the "king of herbs" and is especially valued for its...

Xylitol PÜR Gum - Chocolate Mint no sugar, aspartame nor allergens
The PUR Company | Xylitol žvýkačky PÜR  - Mint Chocolate - 9 ks, 55 ks
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 3

Indulge in the decadent flavour of chocolate with mint to curb your sweet tooth -...

+ more
Olive Mayo - Olive & Lemon spanish olives, zero sugar, additives & preservatives - 250 g
Hunter&Gather | Olivová majonéza - Olive & Lemon - 250 g
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 10

Olive Lemon Mayonnaise is a unique product that combines a creamy base with a...

Fermented symbiotics - Regenesis
Living Nutrition | Fermentovaná synbiotika - Regenesis - 60 ks
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 29

Fermented synbiotics with kefir and kombucha go far beyond the function of probiotics....

Fermented symbiotics supports the intestinal environment and microbial diversity - 60 caps
Living Nutrition | Fermentovaná symbiotika - 60 ks
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 36

An innovative product using traditional fermentation of organic sprouted soybeans. This...

Fermented symbiotics - Family with baobab and banana for prevention and daily use by the whole family - 60 caps
Living Nutrition | Fermentovaná symbiotika - Family - 60 ks
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 29

Fermented symbiotics with kefir and kombucha go far beyond the function of probiotics....

Fermented mixture - LVR-Plex rich in antioxidants and anti-inflammatory substances - 60 caps
Living Nutrition | Fermentovaná směs - LVR-Plex - 60 kapslí
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 34

The blend contains milk thistle, artichoke and turmeric, which are known for their...

Fermented milk thistle játra, detox, akné, přejídání - 60 kapslí
Living Nutrition| Fermentovaný bio ostropestřec mariánský - 60 kapslí
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 32

Milk thistle containing a complete profile of fermentation-activated nutrients....

Fermented cordyceps pro energii, výdrž a lepší výkon - 60 kapslí
Living Nutrition| Fermentovaný bio cordyceps - 60 kapslí
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 37

"Living Nutrition's Fermented Cordyceps is a certified dietary supplement with vital...

Fermented Peruvian Maca hormonální podpora, vitalita, energie - 60 kapslí
3x Fermentovaná BIO Maka | LIVING NUTRITION
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 32

Triple fermented poppy root contains a complete composition of high-value proteins,...

Xylitol PÜR Gum - Pomegranate no sugar, aspartame nor allergens
The PUR Company | Xylitol žvýkačky PÜR  - Pomegranate Mint - 9 ks, 55 ks
Sold Out
From € 3

Aromatic sweet and sour pomegranate flavour with the addition of fresh mint for lovers...

Tomato Ketchup - Classic without sugar, sweeteners and additives - 350 g
Hunter&Gather | Rajčatový kečup - Classic - 350 g
Sold Out
From € 8

We present you a high quality tomato ketchup Classic from the British brand Hunter &...

HG - CTK350
Fermented symbiotics - Tranquil
Fermentovaná synbiotika s heřmánkem a fenyklem - Your Flora Tranquil
Sold Out
From € 29

Fermented synbiotics with kefir and kombucha go far beyond the function of probiotics....

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