In December, we have prepared various Christmas special offers for you, which you can find in the tab called SALE. Our tips for gifts for your loved ones can be found under the CHRISTMAS 2023 tab. Have a wonderful Christmas and shop for what makes sense for your health and well-being.

Pomegranate oil - Melograno

  • A rare exotic oil rich in antioxidants and natural estrogens
  • Excellent for dry and cracked skin - revitalizes, moisturizes and restores skin pH
  • Promotes collagen and elastin production, enhances the appearance of healthy skin
  • Increases skin elasticity, prevents wrinkles and premature skin aging
  • Highest quality - guaranteed by BIO certification COSMOS ORGANIC


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€2,35 / pcs €39,04 / pcs from €2,35 / pcs €1 175 / 1 l €1 301,33 / 1 l
Pomegranate oil - Melograno
Koncentrovaný pleťový olej z granátového jablíčka pro velmi suchou a stárnoucí pleť - Melograno | TERRE VERDI
The exotic and delicious pomegranate is called pomegranate in English (derived from the medieval French pomme garnete) and its meaning is 'seed apple'. The plant is said to have originated in what is now Iran and was considered a symbol of fertility and abundance by the ancient Persians. It is now widely cultivated throughout the Mediterranean, the Middle East and southern Europe.

Melograno - Organic pomegranate kernel oil from the English brand Terre Verdi is produced by cold-pressing the ripe kernels of the fruit. The edible pomegranate fruit contains hundreds of tiny red pips, each encased in a membrane full of sweet, bright red juice. The number of kernels varies between 200 and 1400 and these kernels make up about 20% of the edible part of the fruit. The kernels are separated and cold-pressed for oil.

This precious oil contains a unique essential fatty acid - punicic acid - named after its source (Punica granatum or pomegranate, also known as pomegranate tree in Czech). Punicic acid is the only known botanical form of conjugated linolenic acid (CLA), one of the most effective antioxidants known to modern science. Pomegranate kernel oil is also uniquely endowed with phytoestrogens, which have gained recognition for their ability to participate in the treatment of hormone-related diseases and in alleviating the symptoms of menopause and pre-menopause. Pomegranate kernel oil has many anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial properties.

properties for the skin

Pomegranate kernel oil literally shines in skin care. It has a thicker consistency, so be very careful with the dosage, just a little. It protects the skin against free radicals that contribute to skin ageing, deeply hydrates the skin without weighing it down, and soothes sensitive or dry skin. It is an oil that is an indispensable helper in the fight against skin aging.

1. Oživuje pokožku - olej stimuluje tzv. keratinocyty, což jsou důležité buňky nacházející se ve vnější vrstvě kůže. Tato funkce napomáhá zvrátit účinky poškození pokožky, obnovit ji a nastolit více mladistvý vzhled.

2. Bojuje proti volným radikálům - díky výše zmíněné kyselině punikové je tento olej nejlepší pro ochranu pokožky vystavované slunci, protože zabraňuje jejímu stárnutí a má proti-zánětlivé účinky.

3. Je vodný pro všechny typy pleti - penetruje hluboko do kůže bez zanechání mastného filmu. Je vhodný pro všechny typy pleti, včetně mastné a aknózní.

4. Je proti-zánětlivý - pro jedince trpící ekzémem, lupénkou nebo spálenou kůží tento olej zajišťuje potřebný zklidňující a hydratační účinek. Zmírňuje drobná podráždění kůže, napomáhá s hojením ran a obnovuje zdravou pokožku. Funguje na buněčné úrovni.

5. Zlepšuje strukturu pokožky - olej obsahuje pro člověka kompatibilní pro-estrogen, který podporuje hormonální rovnováhu v obou pohlavích, což právě pozitivně ovlivňuje strukturu pokožky.

6. Masážní olej - díky hutnější konzistenci se s tímto olejem skvěle masíruje.

7. Skvělý v anti-ageing péči o pleť - regeneruje stárnoucí pleť a vyhlazuje jemné vrásky.

8. Antioxidant - stejně jako samotné ovoce, i jeho olej se cení pro své antioxidační vlastnosti, což pomáhá s produkcí kolagenu a zpevněním pokožky.


As well as for the skin, pomegranate oil has a positive impact on the health of the hair, which it revitalizes. Let's summarize the most important properties of the oil below.

1. Revitalizuje splihlé a suché vlasy a chrání je proti znečištění.

2. Stimuluje krevní oběh na pokožce hlavy díky vysokému obsahu antioxidantů a vitamínů.

3. Účinně odstraňuje zbytky stylingových přípravků nebo jejich usazeniny, které způsobují lupy a šupinatou kůži.

4. Proti-svědivé vlastnosti - bojuje s baktérií způsobující lupénku nebo ekzém a dokáže zklidnit zarudnutí, zánět a svědění kůže, které tyto stavy provází.

5. Dodává vlasům živiny pomocí stimulace krevního oběhu do vlasových kořínků, což podporuje růst vlasů.

6. Olej obsahuje Vitamín C, živinu, která je nezbytná pro zdraví a růst vlasů. Zpevňuje totiž pojivou tkáň uvnitř vlasových kořínků, která podporuje růst vlasů.

7. Vlasy tonizuje po smíchání s nosným olejem jako je ricinový, kokosový nebo mandlový olej, či dokonce s vitamínem E.

8. Vyrovnává pH pokožky hlavy - neutralizuje účinky nadbytečné produkce mazu, snižuje mastnost vlasů a stimuluje vlasové kořínky.

9. Horká olejová kůra pro regenaraci vysušených kudrnatých a barvených vlasů. Pomáhá rozčesat zamotané vlasy a hydratuje pokožku na hlavě až do hloubky sedmi vrstev - skutečně efektivní kondicionér. Je nemastný a poslouží i jako ochraňující sérum před použitím kulmy, fénu nebo žehličky.


Apply the oil in the morning or evening on cleansed skin. Can be used alone or as a base under the cream. Drop a few drops on your fingers and massage evenly in circular motions into the skin - not including the eye area, as it is great for wrinkles.
Massage into hair roots if you struggle with dry scalp and dandruff. As an extra conditioner, massage a few drops into your hair after washing. Use a larger amount on extremely dry hair and wrap in a towel for a few hours or overnight, then wash hair as normal.


100% BIO punica granatum(pomegranate) seed oil



Additional parameters

Category: Skin oils and serums
Certification: Cosmos Organic, Vegan Society
Výrobce: Terre Verdi Ltd.
Země původu: Velká Británie
Vhodné pro: Vegan-Certifikace BIO-Citlivá pokožka

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Let's be friendly to Planet Earth, Let's be friendly to ourselves!

This is the main motto of the Terre Verdi brand, which aims to promote care for the Planet and all living beings.

Terre Verdi is an award-winning British brand with Sicilian inspiration, specialising in making ethical products for your skin and body using only certified organic ingredients. Everything is made by hand and with love in small batches. The overall production reflects absolute respect and care for the family, concern for the environment and fair treatment of customers and business partners. Terre Verdi wants to make products that heal your skin and comfort your soul at the same time. We hope you love them as much as we do and thousands of other customers around the world.

Terre Verdi is one of the very first UK brands to develop COSMOS certified organic products, and the first ever UK brand to have its NeroliPom skin cream awarded COSMOS BIO certification by the Soil Association. This skin cream has also received the following awards in the UK: Gold in the SKINCARE category, JANEY LOVES 2018 Platinum Awards; Bronze in the SKINCARE category, the Green Parent Natural Beauty Awards 2017; Editor's Choice in the SKINCARE category, Beauty Shortlist Awards 2017.

All products except the coffee mask are certified BIO by the COSMOS association, ranging from 84-100% organic. All products are 100% natural. COSMOS is the name for the international standard for certified organic cosmetics, which was created by the merger of European certification institutes such as BDIH (Germany), COSMEBIO and ECOCERT (France), ICEA (Italy) and SOIL ASSOCIATION (UK). All products are Vegan and Leaping Bunny certified.

Terre Verdi was the first brand in the UK to use special biophotonic glass packaging for its certified organic products . This special glass is designed to protect the contents of the products from ordinary light, keeping them fresh and effective for longer. Today, there are only three certified organic cosmetic brands on the UK market (including Terre Verdi) that use this glass.

Terre Verdi is committed to sourcing its ingredients from the highest quality sources in order to offer superior botanical formulations as a brand. The use of 100% botanical ingredients goes hand in hand with their holistic approach to skincare. Terre Verdi believes that the body, mind and soul are interconnected, and therefore takes all three elements into account when formulating each product as a whole.

Terre Verdi's owner, Alessandra DeGregorio, won the 2017 Blue Patch, Female Business Leader AWARD in recognition of her tireless work in sustainable development and adherence to high ethical principles. Blue Patch is a marketplace for purely British brands with a focus on sustainability, and ethical, eco and organic produce of all kinds.

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