In December, we have prepared various Christmas special offers for you, which you can find in the tab called SALE. Our tips for gifts for your loved ones can be found under the CHRISTMAS 2023 tab. Have a wonderful Christmas and shop for what makes sense for your health and well-being.

Tallow Cosmetics

TallowDive into the world of natural beauty with Tallow Cosmetics, an organic brand that combines the power of natural ingredients with the benefits of beef tallow.

The basis of Tallow Cosmetics is beef tallow, an effective natural ingredient obtained from bovine fat. The result is products suitable for everyday use that provide your skin with endless hydration.

Tallow cosmetics products are carefully crafted using grass-fed and organic beef tallow, ensuring maximum hydration and nourishment for your skin.

With Tallow Cosmetics, you not only take skincare to a new level, but also highlight the importance of sustainability and ethical treatment of animals.

Take the challenge to natural beauty with Tallow Cosmetics and give your skin the best that nature has to offer.

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7 items to display
Tallow’s Original Cream from organic beef tallow, enriched with jojoba oil, whipped texture - 60 ml
Tallow Cosmetics | Bio Pleťový krém - The Original - 60 ml
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 32

A multi-purpose cream for the skin of the whole body that is full of natural bioactive...

Tallow Cream SeaKelp Vitamin E enriched with vit. E and seaweed for extra anti-aging care - 60 ml
Tallow Cosmetics | Bio Pleťový krém - All Purpose - 60 ml
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 36

Multi-purpose cream, suitable for face and body. It is rich in natural peptides, plus...

Tallow S.O.S. Repair Balm heals and regenerates damaged skin - 30 ml
Tallow Cosmetics | Tallow balzám první pomoci - S.O.S. - 30 ml
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 19

Dry or irritated areas on the skin and body? Is it eczema, psoriasis or allergies?...

Magnesium Tallow Deodorant 100% natural deodorant without aluminium and perfume - 75 ml
Tallow Cosmetics | Přírodní deodorant s hořčíkem - 75 ml
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 26

a 100% aluminium and fragrance free deodorant that contains organic beef tallow. It...

Silicone massage flasks helps reduce swelling in the jaw area and under the eyes
Tallow Cosmetics | Silikonové masážní baňky
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 12

The perfect skincare supplement that delivers a range of benefits for radiant and...

Tallow Sunscreen Balm - SPF 30 moisturizes and protects the skin from sunlight - 100 ml
Tallow Cosmetics | Přírodní krém s SPF - 100 ml
In stock (1 pcs)
€ 30

Sun protection without chemical UV filter composed of 6 ingredients among which the...

Tallow Natural Diaper Ointment also helps with psoriasis, eczema or inflamed skin in adults - 60 ml
Tallow Cosmetics | Přírodní baby krém na opruzeniny
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 22

An effective product that helps protect the skin from diaper rash not only on the...


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