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Original Balm - Nature for normal skin with beef tallow and jojoba oil

A harmonious blend of two active ingredients: organic beef tallow and jojoba oil. This balm is designed for all skin types. It nourishes the skin and gives it softness and elasticity.

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€15,75 / pcs €32,10 / pcs from €15,75 / pcs €52,50 / 100 ml €26,75 / 100 ml
Original Balm - Nature for normal skin with beef tallow and jojoba oil
Tallow | Bio Balzám z hovězího loje - Nature - 30 ml

Why choose Tallow balm for your skin?

Natural balm for all skin types. Forget the chemicals and treat your skin to the nutrients our ancestors used. This luxurious balm is carefully formulated with the finest natural ingredients to provide your skin with deep hydration and nourishment.

Its light, non-greasy texture is quickly absorbed, leaving skin soft, smooth and radiantly healthy.

Tallow Original Balm is a gentle balm suitable for face and body, for women and men, for children and teenagers. Forget the chemicals and treat your skin to the nutrients our ancestors used.

We also offer a whipped tallow cream/balm from the Dutch brand Tallow Cosmetics called the Original, 60 ml.

What's behind Tallow's natural products?

1. Products moisturize and nourish with only one ingredient

The main ingredient in the cosmetics is beef tallow, which consists of 100% tallow from organically raised grass-fed cattle and provides vitamins not found in any other feed. Tallow is an excellent moisturizer that nourishes and hydrates the skin, leaving it soft and supple without clogging the pores.

2. The products are rich in important vitamins for skin care

Organic beef tallow naturally contains fat-soluble vitamins A, D3, E and K2 and vitamins B1, B4 and B12, which are important for skin health.

3. High quality organic ingredients with excellent effects

We use the finest ingredients and special filtration techniques to create the most effective and hydrating product you've ever used on your skin.

4. The composition of the products is bioidentical to the structure of our skin

The tallow is bioidentical to the structure of skin cells and therefore absorbs very quickly into the skin without leaving any traces. As it is a non-comedogenic product, it does not clog pores.

Which Tallow product is suitable for my skin?

Tallow Pure a Premium Balm are designed for very sensitive skin that requires special care. They contain 100% organic beef tallow and also contain no added essential oils that could cause irritation to very sensitive skin. Premium Balsam is a limited edition made from the world's finest Wagyu beef.

Tallow Nature: is designed for normal skin types looking for a rich moisturizer. The mixture of tallow and jojoba gives it a great texture and richness. Ideal for everyday use.

Tallow Lavender: ideal for oily and acne-prone skin due to the anti-inflammatory properties of lavender. Lavender oil has a soothing effect on the skin and can help relieve skin irritation. It also has antimicrobial properties that can help fight acne and improve skin texture.

Tallow Flower Garden: is a more comprehensive product with various benefits.

Tallow Wild West: is a very rich moisturizer and is ideal for men as it helps prevent ingrown hairs and gives a refreshing feeling (of course, it is also suitable for women who shave). It also has high antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Citrus Circus Body Balm: you have to try it to feel the difference in body care - for us, it's the top of the line in body care and puts itself on the winner's podium along with Organic Essence, a brand that has never been surpassed in quality, consistency and scent.


Key benefits

Organic beef tallow

  • 100% organic grass-fed, pasture-raised, humane, grain-free, chemical-free, drug-free, steroid-free, pesticide-free, hormone-free, soy-free, and GMO-free cattle.
  • Its rich texture ensures a velvety smooth application and provides hydration throughout the day.

Organic and cold-pressed jojoba oil

  • Unrefined, sulfate-free, paraben-free, synthetic-free.
  • It gently opens pores, reduces the appearance of imperfections and promotes clearer skin.
  • The antioxidant effects of jojoba oil also help fight the signs of aging by reducing fine lines and wrinkles while soothing irritated skin.

Why beef tallow in cosmetics?

Tallow is a processed form of animal fat extracted from beef and is becoming increasingly popular in skin care due to its unique properties. Beef tallow is particularly characterised by its excellent moisturising properties.

It is rich in natural fatty acids and resembles the lipids naturally produced by the skin. This makes it an effective moisturizer that nourishes and hydrates the skin. In addition, beef tallow is a valuable source of essential nutrients such as vitamins A, D, E and K, which are essential for promoting skin health.

The contained vitamins contribute to skin elasticity, reduce inflammation and support overall skin function. By forming a protective barrier on the surface of the skin, bovine tallow helps to retain moisture, protect the skin from environmental influences and prevent transepidermal water loss.

Furthermore, the use of tallow in skin care can be considered a sustainable and ethical choice as it is a by-product of the meat industry and therefore resource efficient. Overall, beef tallow can contribute to softer and better nourished skin by naturally supporting its needs.

Snímek obrazovky 2024-05-22 v 10.25.11 dop.


Apply the product on damp skin for optimal absorption.

For daily hydration, use this balm as the final step in your skincare routine to lock in moisture and strengthen the skin barrier.

Add this balm to your routine gradually and give your skin time to get used to it. Expect a "detox" period that can last up to 28 days, as it takes an average of 28 days for the skin to rid itself of dead skin cells.

TIP FOR BETTER BALM EFFECTIVENESS: Always apply to a cleansed and cleansed face. The cream absorbs better and its effects are more pronounced. What is the correct order of products in your beauty routine can be found HERE.


  • organic beef tallow
  • organic and cold pressed jojoba oil


Tallow products are 100% natural and contain no preservatives. They are therefore susceptible to bacterial growth if you don't give them enough care.

  • Always scoop the balm with clean, dry hands or tools.
  • Avoid getting water into the cup.
  • Use within 6 months.

When exposed to heat, the balm may melt and separate. This is normal and does not affect the integrity of the product. Mix gently with a clean spoon and place in the refrigerator to set.

About the brand Tallow

The Tallow brand began with founder Ece's simple belief that skincare products that heal and regenerate could be made from natural and healthy ingredients.

In her twenties, Tallow's founder struggled with very dry skin in the form of rosacea and stress-induced atopic dermatitis. She didn't even dare to leave the house without make-up and tried to get her problems under control with expensive cosmetics. Unfortunately, she never managed to achieve any improvement.

Then she learned about the incredible healing properties of beef tallow and finally managed to combat her skin problems with a 100% natural balm.

Since then, her mission has been to help many people struggling with skin problems with beef tallow.

Tallow Natur main

Additional parameters

Category: Skin balms and butters
Proč koupit: Skvělá přírodní kosmetika s obsahem hovězího loje, skvělá pro hydrataci a regeneraci pokožky.
Výrobce: Tallow
Země původu: Německo
Vhodné pro: GMO Free-Kojící-Těhotné-Citlivá pokožka-Ekzém-Certifikace Bio
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ML Avatar of author | 10/12/2024
TALLOW ORIGINAL balm je pro mě naprostým a skutečným objevem letošního roku! Od první aplikace jsem si zamilovala jeho bohatou a hutnější texturu, která dokonale vyhovuje lidem preferujícím krémy s bohatší konzistencí. Moje pokožka byla vždy náchylná k vysušování, ale s tímto balzámem jsem zaznamenala výrazné zlepšení. Rychle se vstřebává, nezanechává mastný pocit a po použití mám pocit ‘namazanosti’ a hydratace po celý den. Moje pokožka je navíc krásně hebká! Tento balzám jsem zakoupila také pro svého tatínka, kterému se na předloktí vytvořila kopřivka, pravděpodobně kvůli zednické práci během léta, kdy pracoval v krátkém rukávu. (Kdo ví, kolik chemie se může nacházet v těchto zednických materiálech.) Pravidelným používáním se mu pokožka během pár dní krásně vyhojila, a to je pro mě další důkaz účinnosti tohoto balzámu. On sam si tento balzám velice pochvaloval. Přírodní složení tohoto produktu a absence vůně jsou pro mě velkým plusem, protože preferuji produkty bez parfemace. Navíc dalším pro mne velmi pozitivním poznatkem je, že v létě se s tímto balzámem můj obličej nepotí, což je obrovská výhoda v porovnání s jinými krémy. A v zimě mě skvěle chrání před mrazem a nepříznivými vlivy počasí. Už jsem si letos koupila tři balení a u poslední objednávky jsem nešetřila a rovnou si objednala větší balení! Tento balzám mohu vřele doporučit každému, kdo hledá efektivní a přírodní řešení pro péči o pleť. Jsem nadšená z jeho účinků a rozhodně si ho pořídím znovu!
P Avatar of author (Administrator) 10/12/2024
Tomu říkám aspoň recenze! Mocx děkujeme a jsme rádi, že hovězí lůj takto pomáhá!!!!
T Avatar of author | 23/08/2024
Tento balzám používám necelé dva týdny a už teď vím, že chci postupně přejít pouze na kosmetiku z hovězího loje. Balzám má velmi příjemnou strukturu a neutrální vůni. Stačí ho nanést malé množství na navlhčenou pleť a nechat ho vstřebat. Už po tak krátké době vidím, že se má pleť pomalu zlepšuje a že jí tento produkt velmi prospívá. Těším se, až si příště objednám větší balení :)

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About the brand Tallow

The Tallow brand began with the founder's simple belief that skincare products that heal and regenerate could be made from natural and healthy ingredients.

In her twenties, Tallow's founder struggled with very dry skin in the form of rosacea and stress-induced atopic dermatitis. She didn't even dare to leave the house without make-up and tried to get her problems under control with expensive cosmetics. Unfortunately, she never managed to achieve any improvement.

Then she learned about the incredible healing properties of beef tallow and finally managed to combat her skin problems with a 100% natural cream.

Since then, her mission has been to help many people struggling with skin problems with beef tallow.

What are Tallow's brand values?

  • Connecting with nature: Products contain only natural ingredients, no synthetic additives or parabens.
  • Ecology: they pay attention to sustainability and ecology throughout the entire production process, from sourcing raw materials to product packaging.
  • Traditional formulas: inspired by traditional practices and combined with modern technologies for maximum efficiency.

Snímek obrazovky 2024-05-22 v 9.18.28 dop.

Advantages of Tallow and why choose it?

1. Products moisturize and nourish with only one ingredient

The main ingredient in the cosmetics is beef tallow, which consists of 100% tallow from organically raised grass-fed cattle and provides vitamins not found in any other feed. Tallow is an excellent moisturizer that nourishes and hydrates the skin, leaving it soft and supple without clogging the pores.

2. The products are rich in important vitamins for skin care

Organic beef tallow naturally contains fat-soluble vitamins A, D3, E and K2 and vitamins B1, B4 and B12, which are important for skin health.

3. High quality organic ingredients with excellent effects

They use the finest ingredients and a special filtration technique to create the most effective and hydrating product you've ever used on your skin.

4. The composition of the products is bioidentical to the structure of our skin

The tallow is bioidentical to the structure of skin cells and therefore absorbs very quickly into the skin without leaving any traces. As it is a non-comedogenic product, it does not clog pores.

Beef tallow as a great moisturizing ingredient or the benefits of using it

Tallow is a processed form of animal fat extracted from beef and is becoming increasingly popular in skin care due to its unique benefits. Beef tallow is characterised in particular by its excellent moisturising properties.

It is rich in natural fatty acids and resembles the lipids naturally produced by the skin. This makes it an effective moisturizer that nourishes and hydrates the skin. In addition, beef tallow is a valuable source of essential nutrients such as vitamins A, D, E and K, which are essential for promoting skin health.

The contained vitamins contribute to skin elasticity, reduce inflammation and support overall skin function. By forming a protective barrier on the surface of the skin, bovine tallow helps to retain moisture, protect the skin from environmental influences and prevent transepidermal water loss.

Furthermore, the use of tallow in skin care can be considered a sustainable and ethical choice as it is a by-product of the meat industry and therefore resource efficient. Overall, beef tallow can contribute to softer and better nourished skin by naturally supporting its needs.

Snímek obrazovky 2024-05-22 v 9.23.07 dop.

Where does used beef tallow come from?

Tallow beef tallow comes from an organic farm on the pastures of Lake Constance. Organic beef tallow is made from the high quality core fat of grass-fed Aberdeen Angus and Galloway cattle reared on organic pastures. The feed for these cattle does not contain corn, soy or wheat. The animals are on pasture from April to October. In winter, cattle have access to spacious straw stables with open-air paddocks.

So why include tallow in cosmetic formulations?

Beef tallow in cosmetics offers several advantages:

  • It contains natural and organic ingredients such as fatty acids, vitamins A, B12, D, E and K, and other active ingredients that are compatible with human skin.
  • It is gentle and free of artificial ingredients, which is important for people with sensitive or problematic skin.
  • It is high in nutrients and fatty acids that are effective in moisturizing and skin care.
  • It is microplastic-free and biodegradable.
  • It has moisturizing effects that can be useful in skin care.
  • It is suitable for healing skin imperfections.

Tallow Natur

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