In December, we have prepared various Christmas special offers for you, which you can find in the tab called SALE. Our tips for gifts for your loved ones can be found under the CHRISTMAS 2023 tab. Have a wonderful Christmas and shop for what makes sense for your health and well-being.


Superfoods are raw materials that contain a highly concentrated vitamin content, minerals and other micronutrients in a highly bioavailable form. They therefore have a strong potential to raise the nutritional value of our dishes several levels higher. These so-called superfoods include various exotic fruits, seeds, green foods, seaweeds, vital mushrooms and more.

Page 1 of 4 - 75 items total




75 items to display
Hydrolyzed Bovine Collagen - Cacao Magic Latte like hot chocolate, but better!
Planet Paleo | Kolagen latté - Cacao Magic - 264 g
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 37

Planet Paleo's best-selling hot chocolate product doesn't leave you cold and you love...

+ more
Rawsome - Apple Cider Vinegar naturally fermented from organic Spanish apples - 500 ml
Rawsome Vinegars | BIO jablečný ocet - 500 ml
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 7

Rawsome Vinegars is a range of certified organic, unfiltered and unpasteurised apple...

Fermented Peruvian Maca hormonální podpora, vitalita, energie - 60 kapslí
3x Fermentovaná BIO Maka | LIVING NUTRITION
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 32

Triple fermented poppy root contains a complete composition of high-value proteins,...

Raw breadfruit flour - Jackfruit low carb, bez lepku, nízký glykemický index 17 - 500 g
Chlebovníková (jackfruit) mouka z heirloom odrůdy - vhodná (nejen) pro celiaky
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 6

Breadfruit seed flour works as a multifunctional helper in the kitchen, you can use it...

Rawsome - Pomegranate Vinegar natural fermentation of delicious pomegranates - 500 ml
Rawsome Vinegars | BIO jablečný ocet Granátové jablko - 500 ml
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 8

Rawsome Vinegars is a range of organic, unfiltered and unpasteurised fruit vinegars...

Jackfruit seed milk powder lactose-free & gluten-free, with a low glycemic index – 100 g
Ceylon Kokonati | Sušené mléko ze semen jackfruitu (chlebovník)
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 3

Sustainably sourced from Sri Lanka - jackfruit milk powder, a lactose- and gluten-free...

Fermented mixture - Nootropics mentální funkce, soustředění, pamět - 60 kapslí
Living Nutrition | Fermentovaná směs nootropích bylin - 60 kapslí
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 32

The nootropic dietary supplement contains a fermented blend of potent herbs and...

Fish oil with omega 3 - BalanceOil+ olivové polyfenoly, omega-3 a vitamín D3 - 300 ml
ZINZINO -  Nejkvalitnější OMEGA 3 RYBÍ OLEJ ve 4 příchutích - BALANCE OIL+
In stock (1 pcs)
From € 59

The highest quality food supplement providing a balance of polyphenols and omega acids....

Reishi Zen Coffee For relaxation & de-stressing, no jitters - 25 servings
Mushrooms4Life | Bio Zklidňující instantní káva - Reishi
In stock (1 pcs)
From € 31

Quality coffee combined with reishi mushroom is a great way to enjoy your favourite...

Latte drink - Cordyceps & Beetroot bez mléka, cukru, sóji - 6.5 g, 65 g, 130 g
Kakaové latté s cordycepsem, červenou řepou a kokosovým mlékem
Action Organic
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 20

Cocoa latte with cordyceps is great for giving you energy immediately after the morning...

Latte drink - Maitake & Ginger bez mléka, cukru, sóji - 5.5 g, 55 g,110 g
Zázvorové latté s maitake, kokosovým mlékem, skořicí a pravou vanilkou
Action Organic
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 20

The delicious ginger sulphur latte with maitake tastes great thanks to organic coconut...

Hydrolyzed beef collagen - Matcha Latté se zeleným čajem - 9g, 135 g, 225 g
Planet Paleo | Kolagenové latté Planet Paleo - Matcha - 225 g
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 41

Start your morning with a delicious and nutritious collagen drink, Matcha Latte. Matcha...

+ more
Coconut water vinegar fermentovaný, se 100 let starou 'matkou' - 250 ml
Ceylon Kokonati | Bio ocet z kokosové vody - 250 ml
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 7

A unique coconut water vinegar that is rich in micronutrients and amino acids. It is a...

Madagascar Chocolate Neapolitans mix of milk, dark, white & vegan small chocolates to try
Chocolat Madagascar | Neapolitánky - tmavá, mléčná a bílá čokoláda, 8 x 5 g
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 4

Can't decide which chocolate is right for your palate? You have the opportunity to try...

Madagascar Dark Chocolate Neapolitans premium cocoa variety: Criollo-Trinitario-Forastero
Neapolitánky - tmavá čokoláda, 8 x 5 g |
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 4

Can't decide which chocolate is right for your palate? You have the opportunity to try...

Latte drink - Hericium & Matcha bez mléka, cukru, sóji - 5.5 g, 55 g, 110 g
Mushrooms for Life | Bio Latté nápoj - Hericium & Matcha
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 31

Coralrose or Lion's mane is one of the most recognized vital mushrooms for supporting...

Freeze-dried strawberries with hemp flowers a convenient and tasty snack for any occasion – 60 g
H DROP | Lyofilizované jahody s konopnými květy
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 3

Try freeze-dried strawberries with hemp flowers - a natural snack that combines the...

Chaga (Birch Conk) Powder For immunity, vitality, skin & gut health - 60 g
Mushrooms4Life | Houba Chaga (Rezavec šikmý) v prášku - 60 g
Action Organic
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 28

Chaga mushroom powder is an ideal way to get the protective antioxidant effects of this...

Hydrolyzed beef collagen - Turmeric Latté s kurkumou pro zahřátí a imunitu - 10.4 g, 156 g, 260 g
Planet Paleo | Kolagenové latté - TURMERIC - 260 g
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 37

Do you need to warm up, calm down and comfort your body? The collagen drink with the...

+ more
Latte drink - Chaga & Turmeric bez mléka, cukru, sóji - 6 g, 60 g, 120 g
Kurkumové latté s čagou, kokosovým mlékem, zázvorem a kardamomem
Action Organic
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 20

The turmeric latte with chaga has a full and delicious taste thanks to the coconut...

Superfood - Dried raw beetroot superfood s vysokým obsahem vitamínů - 450 g
Ceylon Kokonati | Raw cejlonská sušená červená řepa - 200 g
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 12

Flour or dried beetroot works as a multifunctional helper in the kitchen. You can use...

+ more
Freeze-dried banana pieces with cannabis flowers ideal for on the go, at work, or on trips – 60 g
H DROP | Mrazem sušené banánové kousky
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 3

Freeze-dried banana chunks with hemp flowers are a natural and healthy snack that...

Dried pieces of graviola - Raw Soursop jemně sladké pudinkové jablko - 60 g
Ceylon Kokonati | Bio Sušené kousky gravioly - Raw Soursop - 60 g
Sold Out
From € 5

Dried raw soursop is great as a healthy exotic snack or as a small treat for an...

Raw cacao nibs - ChagaChunks šťavnaté a krémové kousky (podobné fudge) - 114 g
North American Herb & Spice | Raw kakao snack - ChagaChunks - 114 g
Sold Out
From € 23

It contains natural fatty acids, amino acids, B vitamins, minerals, enzymes, sodium,...

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