Organic sweet soy sauce with a rich, syrupy texture and traditional Indonesian flavor,...
Yakso sweet and sour sauce is organic and made from organic ingredients, it delivers a...
Yakso organic Nasi Bami spice paste is the ideal base for the preparation of...
This coconut sauce is a natural, gluten-free alternative to soy sauce with a slightly...
This Tandoori organic sauce is inspired by Indian cuisine, combining full-fat yoghurt,...
A hot sauce inspired by the traditional Indonesian recipe of sambal oelek, made with...
Made with organic ingredients such as soybeans, molasses and spices, free of gluten and...
It offers an authentic taste of Thai cuisine thanks to a blend of organic ingredients...
Vegan fish sauce is an organic alternative with a deep umami flavour, ideal for...
This smoky chilli paste is made from organically grown ingredients, offering an intense...
Chili paste is a traditional Indonesian chili paste made from organically grown cayenne...
A refreshing and spicy Argentinian sauce made from herbs, garlic, olive oil and apple...
The authentic taste of Italy in every dish, from homemade pizza to pasta. It's a...
Tamarind concentrate is a natural flavouring with an intense sweet and sour taste that...
An organic product inspired by traditional Indonesian Sajoer, which brings a harmony of...
Beef-flavored spice paste is an organic product inspired by a traditional Indonesian...
Spring roll sauce is a delicious organic sauce with a mildly spicy taste, made from...
A sweet chilli paste made from organically grown ingredients that combines the mild...
Harissa is a spicy North African spice blend in paste form that adds intense spiciness...
Vegan bolognese sauce made from soy minced meat is a great alternative to this classic...