In December, we have prepared various Christmas special offers for you, which you can find in the tab called SALE. Our tips for gifts for your loved ones can be found under the CHRISTMAS 2023 tab. Have a wonderful Christmas and shop for what makes sense for your health and well-being.


full-logo-gold1000A premium Dutch brand that has joined forces with Dutch and European scientists engaged in anti-aging research coupled with the development of dietary supplements using liposomal technology. In our exclusive offer so far you will find the dietary supplement NMN and Resveratrol.

Purovitalis™ sources its raw materials from the Netherlands and other European countries, so prices reflect this fact.*

*The vast majority of the ingredients used in dietary supplements of local, but also global brands, come from Chinese sources, because it is the cheapest and easiest way of production. The fact that the packaging says made in the Czech Republic, USA, Germany, etc. means nothing at all. It's hard to find a manufacturer that uses EU, UK or US ingredients, but we work tirelessly to do so and guarantee the origin of all our brands and ingredients as European, British or American and preferably certified organic quality. Nothing in our range is made from Chinese biotech ingredients.

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8 items to display
Liposomal Spermidine Fusion - 5 mg pro dlouhověkost, méně vrásek, vitalitu a zdraví - 30 a 60 kapslí
Puravitalis | Liposomální Spermidine Fusion - 5 mg - 30 ks, 60 ks
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 47

PurovitalisTM revolutionary dietary supplement has been developed to give you maximum...

+ more
Liposomal NMN in capsules vitalita, zpomalení předčasného stárnutí organismu, regenerace buněk - 30 a 60 kapslí
Puravitalis | Liposomální NMN v kapslích - 30 ks
In stock (2 pcs)
From € 59

PurovitalisTM NMN capsules are wrapped in liposomes to enhance absorption and protect...

+ more
Liposomal Resveratrol in capsules 240 mg mikronizovaného trans-resveratrolu v jedné kapsli - 60 kapslí
Puravitalis | Liposomální Resveratrol - 60 ks -
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 43

Liposomal Resveratrol in capsules from Purovitalis™ is a high quality dietary...

Liposomal Vitamin D3 - 2000 IU enhanced absorption, immune support, energy boost - 60 caps
Puravitalis | Liposomální Vitamin D3 - 2000 I.U. - 60 ks
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 20

Embark on a healthier future with our liposomal vitamin D3. Uniquely formulated for...

Pure NMN powder vitalita, mladší biologický věk, buněčná regenerace - 15 g, 30 g
Puravitalis | Pure NMN v prášku - 15 g
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 53

If you need a premium NMN supplement, look no further than Purovitalis™ 99% pure NMN...

+ more
Liposomal Calcium AKG in tablets contributes to overall health and vitality - 60 pcs
Puravitalis | Liposomální Vápník AKG v tabletách - 60 ks
In stock (3 pcs)
€ 53

Liposomal Calcium AKG in PurovitalisTM tablets with patented slow-release technology...

Water bottle your long-term partner for healthy hydration and an active lifestyle
Puravitalis | Láhev na vodu
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 23

The PurovitalisTM 600 ml stainless steel water bottle combines style with functionality...

Liposomal Quercetin in capsules 240 mg mikronizovaného trans-resveratrolu v jedné kapsli - 60 kapslí
Puravitalis | Liposomální Kvercetin v kapslích - 60 ks
Sold Out
From € 37

PurovitalisTM Quercetin capsules are wrapped in liposomes to enhance absorption and...


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Aby rozhodování bylo ještě jednodušší, přijměte slevu 100 Kč / 4 EUR na Váš první nákupCHCI SLEVUNE