In December, we have prepared various Christmas special offers for you, which you can find in the tab called SALE. Our tips for gifts for your loved ones can be found under the CHRISTMAS 2023 tab. Have a wonderful Christmas and shop for what makes sense for your health and well-being.


Pur_LogoCanadian brand of 100% natural chewing gum and mints with birch sweetener xylitol.This is the original manufacturer of xylitol chewing gum without aspartame and bad additives, which came up with the concept back in 2010.

The chewing gum is produced in a certified factory in Switzerland, where it is strictly controlled to ensure that the raw materials do not come into contact with any allergens - that's why they can claim that their chewing gum is free of the 14 most common allergens and can be bought by anyone.

No other chewing gum brand has this claim because their gum is simply not made in a special certified factory! And that's how this original brand differs from the average.

All PÜR products are vegan and gluten-free, non-GMO and naturally sweetened. It is also great for keto diet, low-sugar diet or completely sugar-free diet. Of course, diabetics can also enjoy it.

Page 1 of 1 - 14 items total




14 items to display
Xylitol PÜR Gum - Spearmint no sugar, aspartame nor allergens
The PUR Company | Xylitol žvýkačky PÜR - Spearmint - 55 ks
In stock
From € 3

A delicate, slightly sweet fresh mint flavour for your fresh breath! Soft, large pads,...

+ more
Xylitol PÜR Gum - Bubblegum no sugar, aspartame nor allergens
The PUR Company | Xylitol žvýkačky PÜR  - Bubblegum - 9 ks, 55 ks
In stock
From € 3

Xylitol chewing gum PÜR - Bubblegum is ideal for healthy snacking for children and...

+ more
Xylitol PÜR Gum - Peppermint no sugar, aspartame nor allergens
The PUR Company | Xylitol žvýkačky PÜR - Peppermint - 9 ks, 55 ks
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 3

The classic clean fresh flavour of peppermint will delight your palate and save your...

+ more
Xylitol PÜR Gum - Coolmint no sugar, aspartame nor allergens
The PUR Company | Xylitol žvýkačky PÜR  - Coolmint - 9 ks, 55 ks
In stock
From € 3

Coolmint natural chewing gum from Canadian manufacturer The PÜR Company offers a unique...

+ more
Xylitol PÜR Gum - Wintergreen no sugar, aspartame nor allergens
The PUR Company | Xylitol žvýkačky PÜR - Wintergreen - 55 ks
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 3

Experience an intense cooling mouthfeel and icy fresh breath with the amazing flavour...

+ more
Xylitol PÜR Gum - Cinnamon no sugar, aspartame nor allergens
The PUR Company | Xylitol žvýkačky PÜR  - Cinnamon - 9 ks, 55 ks
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 3

Let yourself be carried away by the classic, deliciously fragrant and slightly sweet...

+ more
Xylitol PÜR Gum - Jumbo two fruity flavours, no sugar and allergens, 3 x bigger - 20 pcs
The PUR Company | Kanadské žvýkačky PÜR  - Jumbo - 20 ks
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 7

3x as big as the classic version! Go back to your childhood years with two sweet...

Xylitol PÜR Gum - Chocolate Mint no sugar, aspartame nor allergens
The PUR Company | Xylitol žvýkačky PÜR  - Mint Chocolate - 9 ks, 55 ks
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 3

Indulge in the decadent flavour of chocolate with mint to curb your sweet tooth -...

+ more
Mints PÜR - Tangerine Tango no sugar, aspartame nor allergens - 30 mints
The PUR Company | Mentolky PÜR - Tangerine Tango - 30 ks
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 4

In no time you will refresh your mouth with the flavour of juicy tangerine! These...

Mints PÜR - Spearmint no sugar, aspartame nor allergens - 30 mints
The PUR Company | Mentolky PÜR - Spearmint - 30 ks
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 4

Keep your mouth feeling fresh with an intense burst of classic minty flavour. Free of...

Mints PÜR - Peppermint no sugar, aspartame nor allergens - 30 mints
The PUR Company | Mentolky PÜR - Peppermint - 30 ks
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 4

Awaken your taste buds with the typically clean and fresh flavour of peppermint! Free...

Mints PÜR - Cinnamon no sugar, aspartame nor allergens - 30 mints
The PUR Company | Mentolky PÜR - Cinnamon - 30 ks
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 4

These sugar-free mints have a spicy and intense fiery charge! Enjoy the flavour...

Xylitol PÜR Gum - Pomegranate no sugar, aspartame nor allergens
The PUR Company | Xylitol žvýkačky PÜR  - Pomegranate Mint - 9 ks, 55 ks
Sold Out
From € 3

Aromatic sweet and sour pomegranate flavour with the addition of fresh mint for lovers...

Mints PÜR - Polar Mint no sugar, aspartame nor allergens - 30 mints
The PUR Company | Mentolky PÜR - Polar Mint - 30 ks
Sold Out
From € 4

Your mouth will be captivated by the incredible power of the fresh Arctic air thanks to...


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Aby rozhodování bylo ještě jednodušší, přijměte slevu 100 Kč / 4 EUR na Váš první nákupCHCI SLEVUNE