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Prebiotic and probiotic - P3-OM patented range for perfect protein digestion, immunity boost and gut health

BiOptimizers P3-OM is a prebiotic and probiotic at the same time. Contains Lactobacillus plantarum with 2.5 billion CFU per capsule. It also has a long shelf life thanks to freeze-dried bacteria.

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€23,74 / pcs €38,01 / pcs €67,34 / pcs from €23,74 / pcs €0,79 / 1 pcs €0,63 / 1 pcs €0,56 / 1 pcs
Prebiotic and probiotic - P3-OM patented range for perfect protein digestion, immunity boost and gut health

BiOptimizers P3-OM: highly effective synbiotics for protein digestion

  • P3-OM stands for Powerful Proteolytic Probiotics. This patented line with Lactobacillus plantarum is very effective for protein digestion.
  • In addition to its effects on digestion, P3-OM is also known to impair immunity. It helps increase the production of cells that are an important part of the immune system.
  • BiOptimizers ' synbiotics (prebiotics and probiotics) work by breaking down protein molecules in the gut, making it easier for the body to absorb and use nutrients. This can lead to increased energy levels, improved digestion and improved overall health.
  • Lactobacillus plantarum in P3-OM has a long shelf life because it is freeze-dried. As a result, the bacteria remain inactive until water enters them again.

Advantages of BiOptimizers P3-OM

  • Helps maintain a healthy gut microbiome.
  • It can reduce bloating and other digestive problems.
  • Promotes healthy weight management.
  • It can improve sports performance and recovery.
  • It can also be helpful for reducing inflammation in the body.

Why use synbiotics?

Synbiotics, which contain prebiotics and probiotics, are a dietary supplement with live bacteria that contribute to health. These are naturally found in fermented foods such as sauerkraut and yoghurt.

But sometimes that alone is not enough. Probiotics are often resistant to stomach acid and come to life in the intestines, where they do most of their work. Some bacteria then colonise and become part of the intestinal flora itself. They also supportcell growth and collagen production.

Probiotics and prebiotics taken alone can be beneficial for gut health, however, synbiotics are a more powerful tool for promoting a healthy microbiome and improving overall health and well-being.

By taking probiotics and prebiotics together in the form of synbiotics, you can boost the growth of beneficial bacteria in your gut, leading to even greater benefits for your health and overall well-being.


Interesting facts about synbiotics

  • They can be effective in treating a variety of health conditions, including irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease and allergies.
  • Synbiotics could play a role in improving mental health, including reducing symptoms of anxiety, depression, and other mental ailments that plague today's generations.
  • They are also used in functional foods and beverages such as yoghurt, kefir and kombucha.
  • Synbiotics were first described in 1995 as "a mixture of probiotics and prebiotics that improves the survival and implantation of live microbial supplements in the gut, thereby enhancing the health benefits to the host".
  • Probiotics are live microorganisms that can have a beneficial effect on the health of the intestinal microflora and the immune system. Prebiotics are labeled as containing indigestible food components that serve as food for probiotics and promote their growth and activity.

Read more on this topic


BiOptimizers P3-OM is best taken with food. Take 1-2 capsules with each meal and 1-2 capsules between meals.

On average, it takes 9 to 11 hours for food to reach the colon after ingestion, so if you want to use P3-OM to aid protein digestion, take it in the morning. To use P3-OM to kill bad bacteria in the gut or to improve the microbiome, take it at night before bed.

When taking antibiotics or dietary supplements that may have antibacterial effects, make sure to take them at least an hour after the probiotics.


RDA = standard recommended daily allowance based on a daily intake of 2000 kcal.

* RDA unknown

CFU = colony forming units = number of viable bacteria

Other ingredients: fructooligosaccharides, stabilized rice bran, plant-based capsules (plant cellulose and water)

No allergens are listed.

BiOptimizers P3-OM is a dietary supplement in the probiotic category and is not a substitute for a varied and balanced diet and/or a healthy lifestyle.

Store in a cool, dry place away from light.

Why is BiOptimizers P3-OM the ideal synbiotic?

The P3-OM synbiotic is formulated with a patented process called "hydrolyzed proteins" that breaks down probiotics into smaller, more bioavailable molecules. This improves their absorption and utilisation in the gut, making them more effective in supporting a healthy gut microbiome.

Overall, these probiotics are the ideal form due to the unique combination and also due to the advanced formulation process that enhances the effectiveness. It can help support a healthy gut microbiome, improve digestion, boost immunity and reduce inflammation, making it a valuable addition to any healthy routine.

Among other things, it promotes healthy skin and complexion

  • The health of our skin is closely linked to the environment of our gut microbiome. A healthy intestinal microflora supports the absorption of nutrients, which is essential for skin health. These include vitamins A, C, D and E and omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, the gut microbiome plays a role in regulating inflammation in the body, which can also affect the appearance of our skin.

Optimum supply increases energy and clarity of mind

  • The intestines are important for overall health, including cognitive function and energy levels. They are sometimes called the "second brain" due to their strong connection to the brain. This connection is known as the gut-brain axis and involves complex signalling between the gut and the nervous system.

Certain chronic diseases are a thing of the past

  • Some evidence suggests that probiotics may have a direct effect on reducing the risk of chronic diseases. A probiotic dietary supplement may reduce insulin resistance and improve markers of inflammation in people with type 2 diabetes. Bioptimizers P3-OM could also reduce levels of bad LDL cholesterol.

    *These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, FDA. Probiotic dietary supplements are not drugs and therefore are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.


Additional parameters

Category: BiOptimizers
Výrobce: BiOptimizers USA Inc. 5470 Kietzke Lane, Suite 300 Reno, NV 89511
Země původu: Nevada, USA
Proč koupit: Kultovní značka ve světě biohackingu, kde za vývojem stojí tým univerzitních lékařů. Veškeré produkty jsou neustále podrobovány analýzám, aby tvrzení o účincích byla potvrzena rešerší. Za nás se jedná o jednu z top značek v oblasti zdravého zažívaní a optimálního výkonu lidského organismu.

P3-OM Probiotics

Take Your Digestion To The Next Level: Masszymes + P3-OM experiment

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M Avatar of author | 07/12/2023
Už zařazuji do své pravidelné rutiny. Cítím se prostě lépe, nemám tak nafouklé břicho a lépe se mi vše tráví, rozhodně mám lepší iminutu, už tak vše nechytám od dětí, jak dříve, vlastně už bez něj nedokáži být, protože mi prostě sedí a pomáhá a investice do vlastního zdraví je lepší, než chodit pak po lékařích. Myslím i na budoucnost.
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21/09/2024 19:20
Mohu použít, když si procházím slabým střevní mikrobiomem, viz. Průjmy? A neobsahuje lepek?
Odpověď 21/11/2024 16:08
P3-OM od společnosti BiOptimizers je probiotický doplněk obsahující patentovaný kmen Lactobacillus plantarum OM, který je známý svými proteolytickými, antivirovými a protiplísňovými vlastnostmi. Vhodnost při průjmech a oslabeném střevním mikrobiomu: Lactobacillus plantarum je probiotický kmen, který může pomoci obnovit rovnováhu střevní mikroflóry a podpořit zdraví trávicího traktu. Užívání P3-OM by mohlo být prospěšné při problémech, jako jsou průjmy nebo oslabený střevní mikrobiom. Před zahájením užívání jakéhokoli doplňku stravy je však vhodné konzultovat situaci s lékařem nebo odborníkem na výživu. Obsah lepku: P3-OM je vyroben z čistě rostlinných složek a neobsahuje žádné běžné alergeny, jako je lepek nebo laktóza. Je vhodný pro vegetariány i osoby s intolerancí na lepek. Další informace: P3-OM je připraven jako lyofilizovaná kultura, což zajišťuje jeho stabilitu a účinnost během průchodu trávicím systémem. Tento proces umožňuje, aby probiotika zůstala aktivní a účinná až do dosažení střev, kde mohou působit. Při výběru probiotik je důležité zohlednit individuální potřeby a zdravotní stav. Konzultace s odborníkem vám pomůže určit, zda je P3-OM pro vás vhodnou volbou.
Pro koho je vhodné 21/09/2024 19:25
P3-OM od BiOptimizers je probiotikum navržené pro podporu zdraví střev, zejména při problémech jako jsou průjmy nebo jiné zažívací potíže. Obsahuje kmen Lactobacillus plantarum, který je známý svými proteolytickými vlastnostmi, což znamená, že pomáhá rozkládat bílkoviny a zlepšovat trávení. Tento kmen také bojuje proti špatným bakteriím a podporuje zdravou rovnováhu střevní mikroflóry, což může pomoci zmírnit příznaky jako nadýmání, průjmy a další trávicí obtíže. P3-OM je vhodný pro lidi s oslabenou střevní mikroflórou a má potenciál podpořit opravu "leaky gut" (syndrom zvýšené propustnosti střev), což může snížit záněty a zlepšit celkové zdraví střev. Navíc je tento doplněk stravy bez lepku, což je vhodné pro osoby s celiakií nebo intolerancí na lepek. Pro optimální účinek se doporučuje užívat P3-OM na prázdný žaludek, aby se maximalizovalo jeho působení ve střevech a podpořila se správná funkce trávicího systému. Pokud máte přetrvávající problémy s trávením nebo střevní mikrobiomem, může být užívání tohoto probiotika pro vás vhodné řešení. P3-OM od BiOptimizers neobsahuje lepek. Je to probiotikum vyrobené z čistě rostlinných složek a neobsahuje žádné běžné alergeny, jako je lepek nebo laktóza. Je vhodné pro vegetariány i osoby s intolerancí na lepek.

Bioptimizers is a nutritional supplement company founded by Wade Lightheart and his business partner Matt Gallant. Specializes in digestive enzymes, probiotics and other dietary supplements. The company was founded in 2004 and one of the first products to be launched was MassZymes. A revolutionary product created for protein digestion and muscle building.

Generally speaking, all Bioptimizers products are working towards a common goal ~ biological optimization or Biohacking. For example, some products like MassZymes can help digest protein to help increase the amount of muscle-building amino acids, while others like Mg. Breakthrough can contribute to muscle and nerve function.

Renowned dietary supplements for their:

  • Innovative composition and high quality.
  • Collaboration with experts and scientists.
  • Specializing in digestion and gut health.
  • Commitment to quality and continuous improvement.
  • The powerful story and passion of the founders.

Dietary supplements


Probiotics and prebiotics


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Who is behind the BIOptimizers brand

Bioptimizers is an American nutritional supplement company run by its President Wade Lightheart and CEO Matt Gallant. Wade and Matt have been in business together since 2004 and have continually strived to release new groundbreaking products based on enzyme technology, probiotics and plant-based ingredients.

Today, they work together with a team of specialist scientists and nutritionists and invest a large amount of capital in developing the Bioptimizers brand to make it even better.

According to these two men, "Bioptimizers works with one of the best Chinese herb experts in the world, as well as the best scientists and enzyme formulators."

They also work closely with the "Burch University" in Sarajevo, Bosnia, and are constantly working to produce the best probiotics and gut health products.
To date, Wade, Matt and the Bioptimizers brand claim to have helped more than 65,000 people optimize their health and digestion.

So if you're looking for something that will truly change your digestion, energy levels, brain function and overall physical well-being, then Bioptimizers should not disappoint you.

BIOptimizers was born out of pain and passion

Wade's passion and mission to help others optimize their health began when he witnessed his 23-year-old sister die from cancer. It was a heartbreaking experience that shaped his destiny. That's when he realized that health is the most precious thing we have in life.

Matt's passion and sense of helping others began when he helped his best friend lose 191 kg in 18 months. He watched as his friend's whole life was transformed because of it. Since he never had a girlfriend, he got married within a few years.

BIOptimizers products for real health optimization

Both Wade and Matt were coaches working with professional athletes and other top players. Both spent ten years in the gym helping people change their health.

Wade and Matt met at the gym, struck up a friendship and then began a business partnership that has lasted since 2004

Wade and Matt say: "That's right, in 2004 we started selling fitness programs, digestive enzymes and organic plant protein. Our obsession with creating best-in-class products and solutions is only getting stronger.

Our principle is: "If we can't create the best product in the category, forget it." We've always tried to make the best product possible.

We are ready to put absolutely EVERYTHING into one recipe. What does it mean? Our average cost per bottle is 200 to 400% higher than most of our competitors.

We use optimal, effective doses of the most researched ingredients. We know that once you experience the results, you will become a BiOptimizers fan for life.

Návrh bez názvu - 2024-09-03T100038.890

Who are BIOptimizers products for?

For anyone looking for high quality dietary supplements that are FDA and GMP approved, third party tested and GMO free.

Bioptimizers specialize in better digestion. Those who have digestive health issues might find that what this company offers may definitely be able to help.

Specialized products like Herbal Power Flush, HCL Breakthrough and Gluten Guardian are truly unique in what they do.

There's also MassZymes for protein digestion, Blood Sugar Breakthrough for carbohydrate digestion and blood sugar control, Cognibiotics for mind and mood enhancement, and KApex for Keto/low-carb diet support.

A team of university experts in Bosnia

Our scientists create best-in-class formulations. We have established a partnership with Burch University in Sarajevo and invested heavily in the creation of a probiotics laboratory where several PhD students are working on the development of probiotics. We work with one of the best Chinese herb experts in the world, top scientists in the field of enzymes and one of the most experienced formulators in the world who has 40 years of experience in this field.

We never stop developing products and are constantly researching, testing and improving our recipes. Since 2004, we have helped more than 65,000 people optimize their health and digestion. We're working with some of the smartest people in the world to deliver on our commitment.

Monina Avdic, PHD

Probiotics Expert


Scientific Advisor

Sabina Halilovic, PHD

Genetic Expert

Dženan Kovačič

Lab technician and expert in Molecular docking

Sarah Hotic

Lab technician in Plant Cell Culture

Muammar Dizdar

Master of Engineering Chemistry

Neira Crnčević

BSc in Genetics and Bioengineering

Haris Kolic

BSc in Genetics and Bioengineering

Dženeta Salčin

BSc in Biology, Ecology

The company is currently focusing primarily on improving and optimizing digestion.
BIOptimizers is a ''company for healthy digestion''.

Who are BIOptimizers products for?

Bez laktózy

Professional athletes and high performers

Bez lepku

People who want to improve digestion


People with a passion for a healthy lifestyle


People looking for products with natural ingredients

BIOptimizers brand commitments


Continuous product development and improvement


Collaboration with the best experts and scientists


High cost of quality assurance components


Focus on the highest standards of safety and quality


Creating products to truly optimise health

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