In December, we have prepared various Christmas special offers for you, which you can find in the tab called SALE. Our tips for gifts for your loved ones can be found under the CHRISTMAS 2023 tab. Have a wonderful Christmas and shop for what makes sense for your health and well-being.

Pri's Puddings

The British brand Pri's Puddings was invented by its founder Pri when she discovered she had irritable bowel syndrome. She always had a sweet tooth and loved to experiment in the kitchen. Because of this health limitation, she decided to invent and perfect sweets that not only taste great and satisfy all your sweet cravings. They won't burden your digestion, but are instead full of nutritious ingredients without any added unnecessities. In Pri's Puddings offer you will find filled bags and mini cupcakes/cupcakes with three different, delicious fillings.

These delicate sweets are prepared with only a maximum of 5 high-quality ingredients. They are sweetened with dates and coconut sugar - up to 50% less sweet than competing sweets of a similar type. However, you won't be able to tell by their perfect and full flavour. The goodies from Pri's Puddings are also 100% plant-based and therefore suitable for vegans and vegetarians. They also contain only gluten-free ingredients, so even celiacs can enjoy them without worry. They are packaged in 100% recyclable packaging, so they are not a burden on the environment. Pri's Puddings sweets simply won't put a strain on your digestion, your health, your silhouette or the planet.

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7 items to display
Cupcakes with caramel and pecans doprodej značky, starý obal - 48 g
Košíčky s pekanovou náplní | PRI'S PUDDINGS
Sold Out
From € 2

A minimalist composition of 4 high-quality ingredients and an absolutely perfect taste...

Peanut Butter Cupcakes 5 surovin, o 50% méně cukru než běžné svačinky - 48 g
Košíčky s arašídovým máslem | PRI'S PUDDINGS
Sold Out
From € 2

A minimalist composition of 5 high-quality ingredients and an absolutely perfect taste...

Cupcakes with chocolate filling 5 surovin, o 50% méně cukru než běžné svačinky - 48 g
Košíčky s čokoládovou náplní | PRI'S PUDDINGS
Sold Out
From € 2

A minimalist composition of 5 high-quality ingredients and an absolutely perfect taste...

Cupcakes with cashew filling chutná svačinka pro děti, studenty i dospělé - 48 g
Košíčky s kešu náplní | PRI'S PUDDINGS
Sold Out
From € 2

Sweet cupcakes with a minimalist composition of four high-quality ingredients and an...

Bags with hazelnut filling doprodej značky, starý obal - 44 g
Pop Squares taštičky s lískooříškovou náplní | PRI'S PUDDINGS
Sold Out
From € 2

A minimalist composition of 5 high-quality ingredients and an absolutely perfect taste...

Bags with cinnamon filling doprodej značky, starý obal - 44 g
Pop Squares taštičky se skořicovou náplní | PRI'S PUDDINGS
Sold Out
From € 2

A minimalist composition of 5 high-quality ingredients and an absolutely perfect taste...

Bags with raspberry jam doprodej značky, starý obal - 44 g
Pop Squares taštičky plněné malinovým džemem | PRI'S PUDDINGS
Sold Out
From € 2

A minimalist composition of 5 high-quality ingredients and an absolutely perfect taste...


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