In December, we have prepared various Christmas special offers for you, which you can find in the tab called SALE. Our tips for gifts for your loved ones can be found under the CHRISTMAS 2023 tab. Have a wonderful Christmas and shop for what makes sense for your health and well-being.

Planet Paleo

Planet Paleo offers high quality collagen and protein bone broth powder from certified grass-fed, free-ranging cattle. These terapeutic mixtures also contain minerals, herbs and other active nutrients - together with gelatin and bone broth. What's more, Planet Paleo is constantly inventing new ways to incorporate this delicious Paleo diet into people's diets. Their innovative products can be added to smoothies, hot drinks and other recipes, making it even easier to get the daily dose of collagen you need for a busy lifestyle.

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25 items to display
Beef gelatin - Pure z certifikovaného volného chovu - 200 g, 400 g
Planet Paleo | Hovězí želatina - PURE - 300 g
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 25

Planet Paleo's beef dried gelatin is rich in protein, highly bioavailable and provides...

Pure hydrolyzed bovine collagen Grass-Fed certified ultra premium collagen type I & III
Planet Paleo | Hovězí kolagen - PURE - 225g
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 32

Taste the highest quality collagen on the Czech market from the British brand Planet...

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Dried broth and protein - Original hovězí vývar z kostí s česnekem a cibulí - 9 g, 90 g, 225 g, 450 g
Planet Paleo | Bio sušený vývar - ORIGINAL - 225 g
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 36

"Dried broth and protein - Original" from the renowned British brand Living Planet is a...

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Marine hydrolyzed collagen from wild fish hydrolyzed fish protein supplement with 19 amino acids
Planet Paleo | Mořský hydrolyzovaný kolagen z divokých ryb
In stock
From € 42

"Planet Paleo delivers highly bio-available marine collagen - Marine, containing 93%...

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Hydrolyzed Bovine Collagen - Cacao Magic Latte like hot chocolate, but better!
Planet Paleo | Kolagen latté - Cacao Magic - 264 g
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 37

Planet Paleo's best-selling hot chocolate product doesn't leave you cold and you love...

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Beef hydrolyzed collagen - Primal Goddess lepší pokožka, nehty a vlasy - 6 g, 60, 210 g
Planet Paleo | Hydrolyzovaný hovězí kolagen - Primal Goddess - 210g
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 45

Primal Goddess collagen from Planet Paleo is a carefully and expertly formulated blend...

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Dried broth and protein - Herbs ochucený kostní vývar - 9 g, 90 g, 225 g, 450 g
Planet Paleo | Bio sušený protein - BYLINKY - 225 g
In stock
From € 3

"Dried broth and protein - Herbs" from Planet Paleo is an ideal dietary supplement for...

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Dried sports protein - Chocolate ochucený sportovní protein - 16 g, 160g, 240g, 480 g
Bio sušený protein Planet Paleo - ČOKOLÁDA 240 g |
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 36

"Dried Sports Protein - Chocolate" is a high quality dietary supplement from the Planet...

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Dried broth and protein - Golden turmeric ochucený kostní vývar - 9 g, 90 g, 225 g, 450 g
Planet Paleo | Bio Sušený vývar a protein - KURKUMA - 225 g
In stock
From € 36

Make your evening more pleasant with this broth enriched with organic turmeric. You can...

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Beef hydrolyzed collagen - Active for weakened organism, inflammation
Planet Paleo - Hydrolyzovaný hovězí kolagen - Active - 210g
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 45

Collagen Active is a carefully and expertly formulated blend of herbs, active nutrients...

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Dried broth and protein - Mushrooms ochucený kostní vývar - 225 g, 450 g
Planet Paleo | Bio Sušený vývar a protein - Houby - 225 g
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 36

Boost your defenses with the timeless power of bone broth, sourced from cattle fed pure...

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Dried sport. protein - Banana Vanilla ochucený sportovní protein - 16 g, 160g, 240g, 480 g
Planet Paleo | Bio sušený protein - BANÁN VANILKA - 240 g
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 36

"Dried sports protein with banana-vanilla flavour is a high-quality dietary supplement...

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Dried broth - Sensitive digestion ochucený kostní vývar - 225 g, 450 g
Planet Paleo | Bio Sušený vývar - Citlivé zažívání - 225 g
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 36

Soothe sensitive digestion with the timeless power of bone broth, sourced from cattle...

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Beef Hydrolyzed Collagen - Keto Coffee Latté s bio kávou a MCT olejem - 8.5 g, 127.5 g, 213 g
Planet Paleo | Kolagen latté - Keto Coffee - 213 g
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 37

A blend of delicious organic coffee with healthy MCT fats and pure protein with...

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Keto-style hydrolyzed bovine collagen boosted with C8 MCT coconut oil powder to fuel your body
Planet Paleo | Hovězí kolagen - KETO - 220 g
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 29

"Beef Collagen - Energy by Living Planet is a highly effective combination of keto...

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Marine hydrolyzed collagen - Chocolate pro pružnější pokožku a méně vrásek - 285 g
Planet Paleo | Mořský kolagen z divokých ryb - Čokoláda 285g
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 45

Be transported to chocolate heaven with Planet Paleo's latest evening beauty elixir -...

Hydrolyzed beef collagen - Osteo pro správnou funkci kostí, vaziva a štítné žlázy - 175 g
Planet Paleo | Hovězí kolagen - OSTEO - 175 g
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 51

An expertly formulated blend of bovine collagen, synergistic herbs and co-active...

Hydrolyzed beef collagen - Matcha Latté se zeleným čajem - 9g, 135 g, 225 g
Planet Paleo | Kolagenové latté Planet Paleo - Matcha - 225 g
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 41

Start your morning with a delicious and nutritious collagen drink, Matcha Latte. Matcha...

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Beef hydrolyzed collagen - Digestive with protease for better digestion and intestinal microflora - 245 g
Planet Paleo | Hovězí kolagen - DIGESTIVE - 245 g
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 45

Collagen for better digestion contains a blend of herbs, co-active nutrients and...

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Hydrolyzed beef collagen - Turmeric Latté s kurkumou pro zahřátí a imunitu - 10.4 g, 156 g, 260 g
Planet Paleo | Kolagenové latté - TURMERIC - 260 g
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 37

Do you need to warm up, calm down and comfort your body? The collagen drink with the...

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Keto Dried C8 MCT Oil sale: old packaging, 300% more ketones than liquid oil
Keto C8 MCT prášek | PLANET PALEO
Sale Organic
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 27

"Living Planet's Dried C8 MCT Oil - KETO is a highly concentrated dietary supplement...

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Vegan Collagen - Strawberry Smoothie 5 g veganského kolagenu v jedné dávce - 231 g
Planet Paleo | Vegan kolagen s jahodovou příchutí - 231 g
Sale Organic
From € 16

"Vegan Collagen - Strawberry Smoothie" from the renowned brand Planet Paleo is an ideal...

Vegan Collagen - Lemonade 5 g veganského kolagenu v jedné dávce - 210 g
Planet Paleo | Vegan kolagen s citronovou příchutí - 210 g
Sale Organic
From € 16

Replenish your collagen the plant-based way in the form of a refreshing lemon protein...

Marine hydrolyzed collagen - Beauty pro pružnější pokožku a méně vrásek - 228 g
Planet Paleo | Mořský kolagen z divokých ryb - Beauty 228g
Sold Out
From € 49

Do you love strawberries? Planet Paleo's new Beauty Collagen for healthy skin, hair,...

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