In December, we have prepared various Christmas special offers for you, which you can find in the tab called SALE. Our tips for gifts for your loved ones can be found under the CHRISTMAS 2023 tab. Have a wonderful Christmas and shop for what makes sense for your health and well-being.

Body balm - Lemongrass Mint discount: BBE date 08.2024 and 09.2024

A highly concentrated balm with shea butter to regenerate and nourish dry skin. Contains organic sunflower oil and organic beeswax for protection and softness. The scent of lemongrass and mint offers refreshing aromatherapy.

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22/10/2024 22/10/2024 Choose variant
€26,89 from €3,13 - –41 % up to –41 % €3,13 / pcs €15,80 / pcs from €3,13 / pcs €313 / 1 kg €13,86 / 100 g
Body balm - Lemongrass Mint discount: BBE date 08.2024 and 09.2024
Organic Essence | Bio Tělový balzám - Lemongrass Mint - 114 g
Sale Organic
€26,89 from €3,13 - –41 % up to –41 %

Why buy

Discover the best in natural skin care with Organic Essence Organic Shea Cream Lemongrass Mint. This luxurious balm combines the rich nourishing properties of organic shea butter with the refreshing scents of lemongrass and mint to create a product that not only improves the appearance of your skin, but also revitalizes your senses.

Combine it with a body scrub of the same scent and you'll have gorgeous skin all over. You only need to apply the body scrub 3 times a week and then you do not need to lubricate your skin with anything else.

Great after sun care

Organic Essence Shea Cream is the ideal choice for after-sun skin care. Its highly nourishing formula, based on 100% organic shea butter, sunflower oil and beeswax, provides the intense regeneration and hydration your skin needs after sun exposure.

Rich in vitamins and antioxidants, shea butter helps restore the skin's natural moisture and soothe sun-induced irritation. In addition, organic sunflower oil and beeswax protect and strengthen the skin, contributing to faster healing and increased elasticity.

The fresh scent of lemongrass and mint not only provides a pleasant aromatherapy experience, but also helps to relax tense and tired muscles.

This balm is therefore the perfect helper for soothing and regenerating the skin after sunbathing. It's best to spread this balm over damp skin - you'll end up using less product and it's easier to handle.


Main advantages

1. Bio bambucké máslo: Hlavní složka, organické bambucké máslo, je známé svými hlubokými hydratačními a regeneračními vlastnostmi. Extrahované z ořechů shea stromu, toto bohaté máslo je nabité esenciálními mastnými kyselinami, vitamíny A, D, E a F, které pomáhají hluboce hydratovat a vyživovat pleť. Podporuje obnovu pleti, snižuje suchost a zlepšuje elasticitu, čímž zanechává pokožku jemnou, hladkou a pružnou.

2. Bio esenciální olej z citronové trávy: Obohacené o svěží, citrusovou vůni esenciálního oleje z citronové trávy, tento krém nejen osvěžuje vaše smysly, ale také poskytuje antibakteriální a astringentní vlastnosti. Olej z citronové trávy pomáhá vypnout a tonizovat pleť, což je ideální pro snížení nadměrného mazu a nedokonalostí, zatímco si užíváte revitalizační vůni.

3. Bio esenciální olej z máty peprné: Doplněné o chladivou, osvěžující vůni esenciálního oleje z máty peprné, tento krém poskytuje uklidňující zážitek. Máta pomáhá povzbudit pleť a poskytuje chladivý pocit, což je ideální pro uklidnění podrážděné nebo unavené pleti. Také podporuje zdravý krevní oběh a působí jako přirozený protizánětlivý prostředek.

4. Ekologické balení: Organic Shea Cream Lemongrass Mint je balen v udržitelném, biologicky rozložitelném obalu, který odráží závazek Organic Essence k odpovědnosti vůči životnímu prostředí. Balení je navrženo tak, aby bylo funkční a ekologické, s minimálním dopadem na planetu.

5. Vysoce kvalitní ingredience: Organic Essence se pyšní použitím pouze nejkvalitnějších organických ingrediencí. Krém neobsahuje syntetické chemikálie, umělé vůně a konzervační látky. Je navržen tak, aby byl šetrný k pleti, vhodný pro všechny typy pleti a ideální pro každodenní použití.

6. Univerzální použití: Tento bohatý krém je ideální pro různé použití. Naneste ho na tělo pro hlubokou hydrataci, použijte jako krém na ruce k boji proti suchosti nebo dokonce jako uklidňující péči after sunbathing. Jeho univerzálnost činí z tohoto krému cennou součást vaší rutiny péče o pleť.

7. Etické a udržitelné: Organic Essence je oddaná etickým praktikám a udržitelnému získávání surovin. Jejich bambucké máslo je získáváno z fair-trade kooperativ, což zajišťuje spravedlivé odměňování producentů a podporuje místní komunity.

1024px-USDA_organic_seal.svgOrganic Essence - ZERO WASTE kosmetikaOrganic Essence-obaly bez BPAOrganic Essence-netoxická BIO tělová kosmetika


Using the included wooden spatula, apply a small amount of Organic Shea Cream Lemongrass Mint to clean, dry skin. Gently massage in circular motions until the balm is completely absorbed.

For best results, use daily, targeting areas that need extra hydration. The balm can also be used as a nighttime regeneration for particularly dry or stressed areas.

This fragrance is especially ideal for all sports enthusiasts, as it will give you a nice kick-start for the rest of the day after a shower - assuming you do sports in the morning.

For the evening ritual, scents such as lavender or vanilla with orange are more suitable. (:

Other uses

for extremely dry skin

for dry and chapped lips

for tired skin

for wrinkles around the eyes

as a face mask for dry, dehydrated or irritated skin

for wrinkles on the neck and décolletage

as daily care for sensitive and baby skin

for abrasions

for areas prone to irritation

po opalování

for dry hair ends

in the care of skin suffering from psoriasis and eczema

for rough and dry elbows, calluses

Ingredients (INCI)

  • Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea Butter): provides intense moisture and skin renewal.
  • Helianthus Annuus (sunflower oil): adds extra nourishment and conditioning to the skin.
  • Cera Flava (beeswax): helps lock in moisture and protect the skin.
  • Cymbopogon Flexuosus (lemongrass oil): offers a fresh scent and tonic benefits.
  • Mentha Piperita (peppermint oil): provides a cooling effect and soothing relief.
  • Tocopherol (vitamin E): acts as an antioxidant, protects the skin.

*Certified as BIO

Discover the power of nature with Organic Shea Cream Lemongrass Mint and treat yourself to the perfect combination of luxury and functionality for your skincare needs.

Folder functions

  • BIO Shea Butter (Butyrospermum Parkii): this high quality natural product contains a rich complex of bioactive substances including antioxidants, vitamins A, D, E, F, K, fatty acids and phytosterols. It perfectly nourishes, locks in moisture and restores the skin's protective film, leaving skin soft and supple.
  • BIO Sunflower oil (Helianthus Annuus): used in Ayurvedic therapy, this oil has detoxifying and regenerative properties. It contains vitamins A, B, D, E and minerals, making it ideal for problematic skin. It helps blood circulation and is a great base for massage and beauty products.
  • BIO Beeswax (Cera Flava): softens and protects the skin thanks to its antioxidant properties. It contains up to 284 different ingredients, including fatty acids and esters, which ensure the right consistency in creams. It is completely natural and free of chemical pollution.
  • BIO Lemongrass essential oil (Cymbopogon Flexuosis): antiseptic and antibacterial, helps against excessive sweating, fungus and oily skin. It cleanses the skin pores and gives the skin a fresh scent.
  • BIO Peppermint essential oil (Mentha Piperita): this oil is known for its antiseptic and antibacterial properties. It helps against muscle fatigue, back pain and excessive sweating. It cleanses the skin and gives it a pleasant fresh scent.
  • NON GMO Vitamin E (Tocopherol): this vitamin with antioxidant properties protects the skin from damage, slows down aging and improves its elasticity, softness and youthful appearance.

Free of preservatives, artificial colours, petrochemicals, phthalates, perfumes, gluten and not tested on animals.

Organic Essence

Pioneers of the Less Waste or Zero Waste movement

If you care about the environment, Organic Essence is the brand that will meet your expectations. Their eco-friendly packaging is not only fully degradable, but also includes all components such as transparent protective tapes, paints and adhesives.

Unlike the unsightly and unattractive decomposable packaging you might imagine, Organic Essence packaging is a true work of art. Designed by the company's co-founder, Gail herself, their vibrant colors and design reflect the joyful California spirit and free-spirited approach to life.

Since its inception in 2008, Organic Essence has focused on organic packaging and sustainable living. Their founders and employees are dedicated advocates for a clean environment and organic agriculture.

They actively fight against genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and mass food production, in cooperation with other US producers.

Read the full story of the origins of this company and their packaging, which was backed by a dead whale, on our blog:

High quality shea butter from Organic Essence

Shea butter, the key ingredient in their products, comes from the fruit of the African walnut tree (Vitellaria paradoxa).

What makes Organic Essence Shea Butter so special is the traditional and ethical way it is made. In Ghana, in the heart of West Africa, their 100% shea butter is made with the utmost care and respect for traditional practices.

A group of indigenous women gather nuts, which are hand-cracked, crushed and roasted according to centuries-old techniques. This process involves careful manual processing where the paste is separated from impurities using clean water, thus maintaining its purity and high quality.

Unlike commercially available products that may contain chemical additives or solvents, their shea butter is all-natural.

In different regions of Africa, shea butter is produced in different shades, from white to golden to dark, depending on the location and processing methods.

Their butter is free of chemical solvents and is hand-processed with an emphasis on purity and quality. This ensures that each of their packages contains only the best that nature has to offer, providing you with a luxurious, high-quality product that is kind to your skin and the planet.

Unfair practices of shea butter producers

Unfair practices by shea butter producers may include various ways in which the quality of the product is manipulated or workers are exploited. Here are some of the most common unfair practices:

1. Používání chemických přísad: Někteří výrobci přidávají chemické látky nebo syntetické produkty, aby zrychlili proces výroby nebo prodloužili trvanlivost, čímž mohou snížit kvalitu konečného výrobku.

2. Používání levných náhražek: Místo použití čistého bambuckého másla mohou výrobci mísit s levnějšími tuky nebo oleji, což snižuje kvalitu a účinnost produktu.

3. Nepřiměřené využívání pracovní síly: V některých případech mohou výrobci zneužívat pracovníky v zemích výroby, například nátlakem na nízké mzdy, nedostatečnou ochranou pracovních podmínek nebo dokonce dětskou prací.

4. Nedostatek transparentnosti: Některé společnosti mohou skrývat nebo zkreslovat informace o zdroji svého bambuckého másla, což ztěžuje zákazníkům rozpoznat kvalitu a etický standard výrobku.

5. Používání chemických rozpouštědel: Někteří výrobci používají chemická rozpouštědla k extrakci bambuckého másla, což může zanechat chemické zbytky v konečném produktu a ovlivnit jeho přirozené vlastnosti.

6. Falešná certifikace: Některé firmy mohou falšovat certifikace nebo tvrdit, že jejich bambucké máslo je organické nebo fair trade, přestože neodpovídá těmto standardům.

7. Nezákonné dovozní praktiky: V některých případech může být bambucké máslo dováženo nelegálně, což může mít vliv na kvalitu a etiku výrobního procesu.

To ensure the quality and ethical sourcing of shea butter, it is important to choose products from trusted manufacturers, such as Organic Essence, who provide transparent information about their production process and adhere to ethical standards.

Additional parameters

Category: Body balms and butters
Filter by formulation: Balm
Vhodné pro: Vegetariáni-Suchá pokožka-Sportovce-Masáže
Výrobce: Organic Essence Inc., 629 Bertsch Avenue, Crescent City, CA 95531.
Země původu: Kalifornie, USA
Proč ho koupit: 100% Rozložitelné-Kompostovatelné-Nechlórované-Bez alkoholu-Bez parfemace-Bez parabenů-Bez lanolinu-Bez ftalátů-Bez phenoxyethanolu-Bez benzoátů
Obsah: 114 g
Obal: Recyklovaný nepotažený PCW Papír (Post Consumer Waste)

How the Organic Essence brand is produced

Lotions deconstructed


The package is the product, too

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A Avatar of author | 13/02/2016
Tento krém je velmi kvalitní jako vlastně všechny ostatní, jen citrónová tráva je dosti silná nejen vůní, ale pokud se dá na kůži s nějakou rankou, tak pálí. Poznamka majitelky e-shopu: Tento krem doporucujeme pro zakazniky, kteri maji radi svezi a silne vune typu mata a citronova trava. Jeho vune probere a povznese, neuklidnuje jako vanilka, levandule ci pomeranc. Doporucujeme namazat po fyzicke aktivite.

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organic essence baner(1)

Organic Essence was founded in 2006 immediately after the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and its organic program (USDA Organic), granted permission for agriculturally grown, non-food products to be certified as compliant with existing organic food standards. Among companies focused on body care products, Organic Essence was one of the first to receive this certification and is still one of the few companies that produce only certified 100% organic products.

Certification for organic products is important because deceptive marketing has made the term 'natural' product meaningless. Organic Essence simply does not use any chemicals that could have a negative effect on health and the environment, as zero is the safest amount of synthetic substances.

From the beginning, the manufacturer has been interested in the ancient use of natural, traditional ingredients in product development, because their effects have been known for many years, e.g. we are mostly familiar with the properties of various fruits, vegetables and herbs, and we know that such hemlock is poisonous. On the other hand, new synthetic chemicals have not been around long enough to say for sure what effect they have on our health and environment. However, we are finding that substances that were once considered safe, such as the infamous Round-Up, are proving dangerous over time.

Organic Essence's sustainable natural approach is not just limited to the contents of the packaging, but also includes the packaging itself. Initially, Organic Essence packaged their products in plastic packaging like most. There was not enough education and awareness of the negative impact of plastic waste on the environment and animals. That all changed the day a dead sperm whale washed up on a beach near the company's headquarters, its entrails hiding a huge amount of plastic it had ingested in the ocean...

The impact of plastics (not only) on underwater life

"One morning, driving to the office, we spotted a 30-foot-long sperm whale that had washed up on South Beach beach and was only in its adolescence. But instead of growing up and enjoying life in the ocean, he lay there motionless and dead. We felt an indescribable sadness. The wildlife veterinarian determined that the whale died of starvation because its stomach was filled with plastic. This was caused by plastic??? We were so proud of our USDA Organic certification for safe body care, but our packaging was putting the environment and animal life at risk.

Being certified organic by the Department of Agriculture was of great importance to us in terms of environmental sustainability and our goal was to help people avoid synthetic substances. But everything we made was wrapped in plastic. We realised that we are part of a huge environmental problem because plastic is not a sustainable resource.

After a beached whale opened our eyes, we discovered that plastic is a mildly toxic chemical. Until then, it was easy to think that plastic was as inert as glass. However, we now know that plastic releases phthalates and other chemicals into the ingredients of creams and other cosmetic and food products. Plastic takes hundreds to thousands of years to decompose, and even after breaking down into micro-particles it continues to release its chemical load into the environment.

What bothered us a lot was the fact that our Organic Essence brand was based on completely non-toxic products, without the addition of any chemicals. And now we've discovered that plastic packaging is contaminating our careful organic formulations with synthetic hormones and cancer-causing chemicals. Chemical contamination is the exact opposite of what organic certification and the organic lifestyle represents. We had to find a non-toxic and sustainable alternative to plastic packaging."

Packaging industry and greenwashing

The packaging industry is dominated by plastics. Manufacturers know that customers want a good price and environmental sustainability, but environmental sustainability costs more money. Marketing advertising costs less than real sustainable eco-packaging. That's why the modern marketing handbook highlights the positives as much as it can - directing attention to small improvements and promoting them as big breakthroughs is commonplace. Cheating ranges from small lies to blatant ones.

Wonderful slogans prevail in all media, but the problem remains that there are few real and lasting environmentally sustainable solutions in the world.

Organic Essence is based on producing tangible products that deliver results, not on illusion. They designed and developed their unique eco-friendly paper packaging themselves. Their first development attempt in the packaging sector was a paper container in 2008 and then paper tubes in 2009. Since then, they have developed other sustainable eco-packaging products and supply them to other companies. It holds more than 15 patents for packaging, covering a wide range of applications and needs.

Is the paper environmentally sustainable?

The importance of environmental sustainability is to support all life on the planet, and in doing so we support human life. Matter that is of living origin and that supports life is sustainable.

Chemicals that harm living creatures and the environment over time are not. Paper as a packaging material comes from living matter, and when you throw it away it goes back to its living origin, as a result it serves as food for insects and other invisible life. Paper leaves virtually no carbon footprint (it is carbon neutral) because it absorbs carbon directly from the air. Paper is the most recycled material on the planet. Paper does not contaminate organic certified products (as plastic packaging does). And most importantly... paper doesn't kill whales and other animals. Paper packaging, when it is used up, becomes part of the natural cycle of life, not something that threatens it.

Organic Essence products - and their packaging - are rooted in and are a sustainable part of life on Earth.

The Organic Essence brand was created to help both people and nature.

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