In December, we have prepared various Christmas special offers for you, which you can find in the tab called SALE. Our tips for gifts for your loved ones can be found under the CHRISTMAS 2023 tab. Have a wonderful Christmas and shop for what makes sense for your health and well-being.

Non-alcoholic drinks

Page 1 of 1 - 14 items total




14 items to display
Water kefir with yuzu and tangerine flavors sparkling drink with high probiotic content - 330 ml
Kult Kefir | Bio Vodní kefir s příchutí yuzu a mandarinky
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 4

Non-alcoholic, low-calorie, fermented lemonade without added sugar and sweeteners. Yuzu...

Water kefir with the flavor of hops and passion fruit
Kult Kefir | Bio Vodní kefir s příchutí mučenky a chmelu
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 4

Non-alcoholic, low-calorie fermented lemonade without added sugar and sweeteners. With...

Water kefir with lemon and ginger flavor sparkling drink with high probiotic content - 330 ml
Kult Kefir | Bio Vodní kefir s příchutí citronu a zázvoru
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 4

Non-alcoholic fermented lemonade without added sugar and sweeteners. Flavoured with...

Sparkling Rosay - Rose Guava sparkling non-alcoholic beverage without caffeine - 330 ml
KAYTEA | Ledový čaj - růže & guava
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 2

Rosay is an elegant sparkling drink with the taste of pink guava and roses. It offers...

Iced white tea - Mango Yuzu refreshing and tasty cold brew tea - 330 ml
KAYTEA | Ledový čaj - mango & yuzu
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 2

Iced tea prepared using the cold brew method. This method ensures that the tea...

Iced green tea - Jasmine Grape refreshing and tasty cold brew tea - 330 ml
KAYTEA | Bio Ledový čaj - Jasmín Grep 330 ml |
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 2

Iced tea prepared using the cold brew method. This method ensures that the tea...

Iced Hibiscus Tea - Pineapple Passion Fruit refreshing and tasty cold brew tea - 330 ml
KAYTEA | Bio Ledový Ibiškový čaj - Ananas Mučenka
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 2

Iced tea prepared using the cold brew method. This method ensures that the tea...

Iced green tea - White Peach refreshing and tasty cold brew tea - 330 ml
KAYTEA | Bio Ledový čaj - Bílá Broskev 330 ml |
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 2

Iced tea prepared using the cold brew method. This method ensures that the tea...

D'Ora Biotonic - Energetically enriched water higher frequency, with colloids of manganese, magnesium, and iron
D'ORA | Pramenitá voda s koloidním zlatem a stříbrem
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 5

Energy water with manganese, magnesium and iron colloids supports natural body...

+ more
Iced black tea - Lemon Zest refreshing and tasty cold brew tea - 330 ml
KAYTEA | Bio Ledový černý čaj - Citronová Kůra |
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 2

Iced tea prepared using the cold brew method. This method ensures that the tea...

D'Ora Sklo - Alkaline water from Transylvania mountain spring source, contains colloidal gold and silver
Sklo - Zásaditá voda z Transylvánie
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 4

Premium alkaline water from the pure springs of Transylvania, enriched with colloidal...

+ more
Re-Lyte® Energy Jar - An Alternative to Energy Drinks with herbs, green tea, and B vitamins – 45 servings
Redmond | Re-Lyte® Energy - Alternativa k energetickým nápojům
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 48

A handy powdered drink containing electrolytes and natural ingredients to refresh and...

D'Ora PET - Alkaline water from Transylvania mountain spring source, contains colloidal gold and silver
D'ORA | PET - Zásaditá voda z Transylvánie
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 4

Premium alkaline water from the pure springs of Transylvania, enriched with colloidal...

+ more
Coconut water - King Coconut bohatá na elektrolyty, USDA Organic - 300 ml
Ceylon Kokonati | Bio kokosová voda - King Coconut - 300 ml
Sold Out
From € 6

The king of coconuts is a wild palm tree in Sri Lanka. This palm produces a unique nut...


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Aby rozhodování bylo ještě jednodušší, přijměte slevu 100 Kč / 4 EUR na Váš první nákupCHCI SLEVUNE