In December, we have prepared various Christmas special offers for you, which you can find in the tab called SALE. Our tips for gifts for your loved ones can be found under the CHRISTMAS 2023 tab. Have a wonderful Christmas and shop for what makes sense for your health and well-being.


OIP__1_-removebg-previewMedarek, a family-owned Czech company that combines love for nature with health care, specializes in the production of ointments, lotions and shampoos in organic quality. Their passion for natural care is reflected in every product they offer.

Medark ointments are carefully crafted using proven natural ingredients to provide maximum beneficial effects. Facial oils and shampoos are designed to meet individual customer needs, with an emphasis on purity and ingredient safety.

We believe that nature provides everything we need for health and beauty. With Medark, you can be confident that their products are in line with your beliefs about taking care of yourself and the planet.

Page 1 of 3 - 51 items total




51 items to display
Monoï de Tahiti® Oil intensive moisturizing and regenerating effects
Medarek | Monoï de Tahiti® Olej
In stock (2 pcs)
From € 4

Monoi de Tahiti is a traditional Polynesian oil that is created by macerating gardenia...

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Zinc & Propolis Salve for redness-prone skin
Medarek | Zinková mast s propolisem bio - 50 ml
In stock (3 pcs)
From € 5

The natural zinc ointment with organic ingredients can do everything that a classic...

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Thyme Salve - Bear cold support for children from 12 years and adults
Medarek | Bio Tymiánová mast - Medvěd - 50 ml
In stock
From € 5

Thyme ointment for cold support for children from 12 and adults. Completely natural and...

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Zinc Salve for redness-prone skin
Medarek | Zinková mast bio - 50 ml
In stock (2 pcs)
From € 4

The natural zinc ointment with organic ingredients can do everything that a classic...

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Thyme Salve - Chick cold support for children from 3 months to 3 years
Medarek | Bio Tymiánová mast Kuřátko - 50 ml
In stock (1 pcs)
From € 5

Thyme ointment for cold support for children from 3 m to 3 years. Completely natural...

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Thyme Salve - Bunny cold support for children from 3 to 12 years
Medarek | Bio Tymiánová mast - Zajíček - 50 ml
In stock
From € 5

Thyme ointment for cold support for children from 3 to 12 years. Completely natural and...

+ more
Rosemary shampoo with caffeine stimulates hair growth and a healthy scalp
Medarek | Bio Rozmarýnový šampuk s kofeinem
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 3

The fragrant shampoo with rosemary and caffeine stimulates hair growth and promotes a...

+ more
Zinc soap ideal for sensitive skin prone to redness - 100 g
Medarek | Zinkové mýdlo - 50 g, 100 g
In stock (3 pcs)
From € 4

Zinc soap is suitable for sensitive skin due to the anti-inflammatory properties of...

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Argan Oil & Orange Shampoo Bar gently cleanses and moisturizes the skin, no preservatives
Medarek | Arganové mýdlo s pomerančem
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 4

Gently exfoliating soap with a refreshing orange scent and nourishing argan oil. It...

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Whipped shea butter with a drop of organic apricot oil for a lighter texture
Medarek | Šlehané bio bambucké máslo
In stock
From € 7

Pure organic shea butter with a drop of organic apricot oil, suitable for children and...

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Ghee & Mandarin Soap wonderfully creamy and soft, fresh scent - 100 g
Medarek | Ghí mýdlo s vůní mandarinky - 100 g
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 3

Try Medarek soap made from coconut oil, ghee and mango butter with the invigorating...

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Zinc & Redmond Clay Salve for redness-prone skin and wet eczema
Medarek | Zinková mast s bentonitovým jíle Redmond - 30 ml, 60 ml
In stock
From € 11

Natural zinc ointment with organic ingredients can do everything that a classic zinc...

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Propolis Salve for extremely dry skin
Medarek | Propolisová mast bio - 50 ml
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 5

Unique propolis ointment based on natural ingredients. Compared to the classic...

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Bubble shampoo with fresh mint for oily hair and dandruff
Medarek | Bio Bublinový šampuk se svěží mátou
In stock (1 pcs)
From € 3

A gentle natural solid hair shampoo that creates a rich lather and refreshes with the...

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Oregano & Manuka Shampoo Bar solid shampoo for children from 3 years and adults
Medarek | Bio Oregánový šampuk s manukou - 10 g, 45 g
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 4

Gentle natural solid shampoo (shampoo) with organic neem oil and nigella sativa oil for...

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Zinc & Mango Butter Salve for redness-prone skin and those with shea butter allergy
Medarek | Bio Zinková mast s mangem - 50 ml
In stock
From € 4

The natural zinc ointment with organic ingredients can do everything that a classic...

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Propolis soap with mild disinfecting effects
Medarek | Propolisové mýdlo
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 4

A natural soap enriched with honey, beeswax and propolis tincture that provide gentle...

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Zinc & White Rose Deodorant soda-free, antibacterial, fresh scent
Medarek | Bio Zinkový deodorant s růží
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 4

Sodium-free deodorant with zinc and rose oil - Effective odor control with a subtle,...

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Gentle Baby Soap wonderfully creamy foam - 100 g
Medarek | Mýdlo pro nejmenší - 50 g, 100 g
In stock (2 pcs)
From € 3

Try Medarek soap, which is certified for use on the smallest babies. It is made with...

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Banana balm softens and moisturises the skin - 50 ml
Medarek | Banánový balzám bio - 50 ml
In stock
From € 4

Nourishing balm with organic mango butter and banana oil. The banana oil is not...

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Zinc & Tangerine deodorant soda-free, antibacterial, fresh scent
Medarek | Zinkový deodorant s mandarinkou - 15 ml, 50 ml
In stock (>3 pcs)
From € 4

A sodium-free natural zinc deodorant with the scent of tangerine, which is an added...

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Monoi de Tahiti soap exotic, hydrating, gentle, floral
Medarek | Monoi de Tahiti mýdlo
Sold Out
From € 4

Thanks to the combination of tiara flowers and coconut oil, it gently cleanses,...

Zinc & Tahitian Gardenia Deodorant soda-free, antibacterial, luxurious scent
Medarek | Bio Zinkový deodorant Tiaré
Sold Out
From € 4

Tiaré's gentle Tahitian flower-scented zinc-free deodorant offers gentle odour...

Propolis Tincture Spray oral and wound care - 25 ml
Medarek | Propolisová tinktura ve spreji - 25 ml
Sold Out
From € 5

Propolis tincture is used as a supportive agent for oral care or as an antiseptic to...

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