In December, we have prepared various Christmas special offers for you, which you can find in the tab called SALE. Our tips for gifts for your loved ones can be found under the CHRISTMAS 2023 tab. Have a wonderful Christmas and shop for what makes sense for your health and well-being.


inca.cao logo pngThe Belgian brand Incacao offers unique nut butters, decadent spreads and luxurious high-percentage chocolates that won't overwhelm your digestion. For example, nut butters and spreads are enriched with multi collagen and MCT oil to make them suitable for keto and low carb diets. Incacao chocolates are divided into three lines, Origine Pure, Origine Dark and Origine Vanille - they are truly masterpieces for the most demanding connoisseurs.

This brand was founded in 2018 by an experienced and well-known pastry chef in Belgium Vincent Bulteel. He has thus continued the tradition of Belgian mastery in the production of chocolates and other delicacies, but in a modern and healthier form. Incacao is not just any brand and workplace. Vincent considers it literally his family tribe, a home for personal development and a nice way to educate himself. It's a place where employees are constantly growing, connecting with each other, and where the line between work and play is blurred.

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7 items to display
Cashew butter with a creamy texture
Incacao Belgium | Arašídové máslo s krémovou texturou - 125 g
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 8

Unique nut butter, enriched with dried MCT and collagen of several types. Not to be...

Coconut cream with ghee and cocoa butter saténová textura, kokosová chuť - 125 g
Inca’valley Belgium | Belgický krém Blanc Satin Coco - 125 g
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 4

The Belgian Blanc Satin Coco cream from Inca'valley is a luxurious coconut cream with a...

Belgian cream Beurre de Noisette hladká textura, chuť lískových ořechů a kakaa - 125 g
Inca’valley Belgium | Belgický krém Beurre de Noisette 125 g
Sold Out
From € 4

High quality hazelnut spread with cocoa made in Belgium by Michelin chef Vincent Bullet.

Hazelnut butter cremeux
Incacao Belgium | Lískooříškové máslo s krémovou texturou - 125 g
Sold Out
From € 7

A unique nut butter with special hazelnuts from the Piedmont region of Italy, enriched...

Salted caramel cream with collagen makadamiový olej, tahitská vanilka - 125 g
Incacao Belgium | Slaný karamelový krém s kolagenem - 125 g
Sold Out
From € 6

A delicious cream with an extraordinary taste of salted caramel and a perfect smooth...

Chocolate cream with collagen makadamiový olej, tahitská vanilka - 125 g
INCACAO | Čokoládový krém s kolagenem - 125 g
Sold Out
From € 6

A delicious cream with a wonderful taste of quality chocolate and a perfect smooth...

Belgian Dulce de Leche cream hladká textura, karamelová chuť - 125 g
Inca’valley Belgium | Belgický krém Dulce de Leche - 125 g
Sold Out
From € 4

Belgian Dulce de Leche cream from Inca'valley is a unique sweet treat made from coconut...


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Aby rozhodování bylo ještě jednodušší, přijměte slevu 100 Kč / 4 EUR na Váš první nákupCHCI SLEVUNE