Skin cleansing and make-up removal
Clean skin is essential, so make sure you don't neglect your make-up removal and cleansing, no matter how tired you are in the evening or how rushed you are in the morning. Only clean skin can regenerate properly overnight and get the most out of the active ingredients you give it in your evening skin care. For make-up removal, we definitely recommend a high-quality vegetable facial oil, which will not be lost on your bathroom shelf, because it is versatile and can be used for other things. Instead of disposable cleansing and exfoliating pads, try our Kohl's Konjak sponges. They are eco-friendly zero waste, completely biodegradable, washable and will last you up to several months with proper maintenance.
Ceylon Kokonati Soap made from organic virgin coconut oil is a handmade soap that...
Ceylon Kokonati Soap made from organic virgin coconut oil is a handmade soap that...