In December, we have prepared various Christmas special offers for you, which you can find in the tab called SALE. Our tips for gifts for your loved ones can be found under the CHRISTMAS 2023 tab. Have a wonderful Christmas and shop for what makes sense for your health and well-being.

Chef de Cuisine Drops - 40% Cacao Grand cru de Sambirano beans directly from the grower in Madagascar - 2 kg

Chocolate pips or drops directly from a grower in Madagascar, shipped fresh and made to order directly to us in the Czech Republic, are the best thing you can use in your regular confectionery art. There is no better product on the market, and especially fresher!

Availability In stock (>3 pcs)
Delivery to:
€79,50 / pcs €39,75 / 1 kg
Chef de Cuisine Drops - 40% Cacao Grand cru de Sambirano beans directly from the grower in Madagascar - 2 kg

Why buy

Indulge in these award-winning, easily dissolvable confectionery drops (pips) made from the finest and freshest cocoa beans sourced from the Sambirano Valley in Madagascar.

Chocolat Madagascar 's 40% cocoa chocolate with cashew milk stands out for its complex flavour and silky texture, as confirmed by winning the 2019 Great Taste Award. The taste is intertwined with notes of banana from cashew nuts and red fruit from cocoa beans.

Cashew nuts from Madagascar are used instead of cow's milk, but you won't notice it at all. With this chocolate you get more fiber, iron, magnesium, zinc, niacin, folate, vitamin E, vitamin K, mono- and poly-fat, and less sugar, saturated fat, and zero cholesterol.

Each stone (1-3 g) is reddish-brown in colour, has no added sugar and is high in fibre. Freshly made without added flavours or chemical processing, these chocolate drops are ideal for chocolatiers, confectioners and chocolatiers who are all about quality and not quantity.

  • Each 2 kg pack contains pure Madagascar cocoa beans with a minimum of 40% cocoa solids.
  • The melting point is 45 °C (stir until everything is melted).
  • The crystallization temperature is 27 °C.
  • Divide the mass into 1/3 and 2/3. Pre-crystallise 2/3 until the temperature reaches 28 °C, then mix with the remaining 1/3 and use the mixture at 29 °C.
  • Indicated use temperature: 29-31°C.

What makes the Chocolat Madagascar brand different from the average

Taste: enjoy a smooth, creamy and rich taste that is full of pleasant fruity, grape and citrus notes. You will love the delicate texture that melts on the tongue and leaves a lasting, satisfying impression.

Colour: you'll be dazzled by the bright brown-red hue that gives your creations an elegant colour, enhancing their visual appeal and resulting flavour.

Origin: the beans come exclusively from beautiful Madagascar, and the entire cocoa production process is traceable and full of integrity. Unlike conventional chocolates that come from European warehouses where fermented beans are kept as stock, Chocolat Madagascar is always made fresh, packaged at the source of production and shipped immediately to our country. Without intermediaries and other manipulations that can lead to contamination and scrapping.

Quality of ingredients: the milk chocolate is made from pure cocoa butter, also from Madagascar. The drops/stones do not undergo any chemical processing or deodorization, preserving the natural essence of the cocoa without compromise.

The manufacturer never adds flavorings such as vanilla, preservatives or any GMO ingredients, guaranteeing your chocolate pleasure without a guilty conscience.

The island of Madagascar in the Indian Ocean is considered to be the best cocoa-growing region on the African continent, and Chocolat Madagascar is a brand that has been inseparable from it since 1940. You have to try their sustainably produced chocolate on the original retro chocolate line - it has a cult reputation.

Follow the Chocolat Madagascar brand on our Instagram where you can find out lots of information and interesting facts, as well as be inspired by regular chocolate recipes.


Cane sugar, Madagascar cocoa butter, Madagascar cashew nuts, Madagascar cocoa beans, non-GMO sunflower lecithin. Cocoa solids minimum 40%. All ingredients are sourced from Madagascar.

  • 1.6 more cocoa than EU standards.
  • 44% less added sugar than the EU standard for milk chocolate.

Making tree to bar chocolates

The entire production of Chocolat Madagascar chocolates - from the harvesting of the cocoa beans, through their processing, to the subsequent production of the chocolates and their packaging - is carried out directly in Madagascar - the so-called tree to bar production.

The cocoa beans are thus as fresh as possible at the time of processing, which has a significant impact on their taste and nutritional value. Thanks to their full flavour, the chocolates taste great on their own, they are not unpleasantly bitter, and there is no need to add any additional flavourings or chemically treat them with alkalisation.

This method of production also supports the local economy to the maximum extent possible and is also a highly environmentally friendly solution thanks to fuel savings. The Chocolat Madagascar brand has elevated the concept of fair trade to raise trade.

What is raise trade

The term 'raise trade' means that the chocolate is produced entirely in the country where the cocoa is grown. Most chocolates (traditional and fairtrade) import cocoa that continues to be processed in countries with economies that are rich compared to the country of origin of the cocoa.

Around 3% of the value is in the developing country that grows cocoa and 97% is in the processing country - a huge disparity for the economy of a developing country and a population that relies 100% on farming for its main livelihood.

Chocolat Madagascar is the only chocolate on this African island that has been actively practicing raise trade since 1940.

raistrade graf

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory doesn't exist

You may not know that by buying chocolate from a supermarket owned by a conglomerate like Nestlé, Unilever or Kraft, you are supporting child slavery in Africa or anywhere else where chocolate is grown.

Take a look at the back of your chocolate wrapper and find out who really makes it and where your hard-earned money goes. Cheap chocolate equals poor quality and unethical chocolate. Choose chocolate from a manufacturer such as Chocolat Madagascar.

If you want to try chocolates from other parts of the world, we have ultra high-end brands such as the British brand Tosier Chocolatemaker or the Belgian brand InCacao,where the emphasis is on fairtrade production and, above all, the use of the best quality cocoa available in the world(both brands buy cocoa only from the best cocoa farms in the world - the top 5%).

Take a look at the chart below, where you can clearly see the difference in the size of the chocolate market - fine flavour chocolate versus certified meat chocolate versus regular meat chocolate, which costs 50 CZK. High-end fine chocolate (in blue) you can't even see on the chart how tiny a percentage belongs to it.

This is what we offer in our e-shop from the brands Tosier Chocolatemaker and InCacao. By buying them, you not only get to enjoy the true taste of chocolate, but more importantly, you support poor farmers who work very hard instead of rich corporate executives, TV advertising and marketing. Let's put our money where it will make a difference. Thank you.


Compare the typical composition of regular cheap supermarket milk chocolate versus Chocolat Madagascar. And did you know that the vast majority of chocolate beans in commercially available bars (even the ones that call themselves bean-to-bar and the manufacturer won't tell you exactly where the cocoa beans come from) come from dried fermented stocks in European warehouses?

There is no such thing as Belgian chocolate or Swiss chocolate - since when did these countries have the climate to grow cocoa? This is one of the biggest marketing scams in the world. Don't let yourself be caught out by it either, since you already know the truth. (:

No? Well, that's the reality. We bring you fresh chocolate direct from the grower, made to order by us. And the only time that elapses is when she sails the sea for about 3 months. This chocolate tastes completely different and also has a completely different shelf life and above all properties.


Additional parameters

Category: Chocolate suitable for vegans
Výrobce: Chocolat Madagascar
Země původu: Údolí Sambirano, Madagaskar
Vhodné pro: Bez lepku-Lactose Free-Soy Free-GMO Free-Low Carb-Těhotné-Kojící
Proč koupit: Jediná čokoláda v ČR z Madagaskaru, která je tzv. tree to bar. V praxi to znamená, že je celá vyrobena a zabalena v místě pěstování.

About Chocolat Madagascar

Growing fine cacao and freshly crafting dark chocolate in Madagascar

Growing fine rare cacao and freshly crafting into fine milk chocolate in Madagascar

Growing rare fine cacao and freshly crafting into fine white gold chocolate in Madagascar

Chocolat Madagascar - Fine, Fresh and Fair

Seed to Tree to Cacao to Chocolat in Madagascar - Dark Chocolate 100% Cocoa

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Chocolat Madagascar je malá čokoládová manufaktura, která vyrábí své čokolády z těch nejkvalitnějších bio kakaových bobů přímo na Madagaskaru. Za chuť i kvalitu svých produktů sklidila již celou řadu ocenění v soutěžích po celém světě, jako je například absolutní vítězství v Golden Bean Award v letech 2017 a 2020 a Shining Bright Award 2020 nebo ve Finest Origin. Z jejich nabídky si vyberou vegani, milovníci vysokoprocentních čokolád i ti, kteří rádi mlsají čokolády bílé.

CHOCOLAT MADAGASCAR - Luxusní čokolády z Madagaskaru

V čem jsou čokolády od Chocolat Madagascar jiné?

Nepopsatelná chuť
Díky unikátnímu prostředí madagaskarského deštného pralesa, tamní půdy a klimatu, mají zde pěstované kakaové boby velice specifický chuťový profil plný ovocných tónů - chutnají po lesním ovoci, třešních a citrusech. Chocolat Madagascar mají přirozeně velice komplexní chuť, bez nežádoucí hořkosti, a není třeba je nijak dochucovat ani chemicky ošetřovat alkalizací.

Maximální čerstvost
Manufaktura Chocolat Madagascar na rozdíl od většiny továren na čokoládu sídlí blízko kakaových plantáží. Fermentace a sušení kakaových bobů tak probíhá v průběhu pár dní od sklizně (jiné čokoládovny vyrábí čokolády z kakaových bobů mnohdy i pár let starých). Díky tomu si kakaové boby zachovávají co nejvyšší podíl účinných látek, hlavně flavonoidů.

Kakaové boby se pěstují v bio kvalitě, nenarušují tedy životní prostředí zbytečnými pesticidy, herbicidy či hnojivy. Naopak, vytvářejí v deštném prostředí bezpečné útočiště pro ohrožené madagaskarské živočišné druhy.

Raise trade
Chocolat Madagascar kupuje kakaové boby od drobných zemědělců, kteří je sklízejí v údolí Sambirano na severozápadě Madagaskaru. Vyplácí jim prémiové ceny, díky čemuž se zvyšuje jejich životní úroveň. Další zpracování kakaa, včetně samotné výroby čokolád, probíhá také na Madagaskaru. Což přináší další nezanedbatelnou podporu ekonomiky tohoto ostrova. Díky této podpoře roste kvalita vzdělávání a dovednosti zaměstnanců i jejich rodin, což v konečném důsledku vede ke zvyšování bohatství a podpory tohoto národa. Jedná se tedy o fair trade na nejvyšší možné úrovni - raise trade.

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