In December, we have prepared various Christmas special offers for you, which you can find in the tab called SALE. Our tips for gifts for your loved ones can be found under the CHRISTMAS 2023 tab. Have a wonderful Christmas and shop for what makes sense for your health and well-being.

Coconut jam - Woodapple tzv. opičí ovoce s vysokým obsahem vitamínu C - 150 g

Sweet and sour jam made from exotic fruits sweetened only with coconut nectar. It is a great alternative to conventional jams with refined white sugar. You can use the jam in savoury and sweet dishes or as an Asian marinade similar to tamarind - meat, fish, vegetables and tofu love it.

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€3,79 / pcs €25,27 / 1 kg
Coconut jam - Woodapple tzv. opičí ovoce s vysokým obsahem vitamínu C - 150 g
Ceylon Kokonati | Kokosový džem - Woodapple - 150 g

Woodapple coconut jam from Ceylon Kokonati has a pleasant sweet and sour citrus taste similar to tamarind. It is a great alternative to conventional jams with refined white sugar. This jam can be used in savoury and sweet dishes. It is great as a chutney, sauce and marinade.

You can spread it on bread or use it as a dip for roast meat and vegetables. Great as a filling for sweet pastries, as a topping for ice cream or yoghurt. You can also use it as a barbecue sauce or as a sauce for pizza nomato. It tastes great blended with coconut milk and a few ice cubes as a refreshing cocktail.

What is Woodapple fruit?

This fruit, with the botanical name Limonia acidissima, also known as bael, elephant or monkey fruit, gets its name 'woodapple', translated as 'wooden apple', from its hard shell, which hides a brownish flesh with small white seeds. Woodapple can be eaten raw, but it is most often used to make jam or various drinks.

Benefits of the so-called monkey fruit

  • high content of nutrients, vitamins (especially vitamin C), minerals (calcium, phosphorus, iron), tannins and proteins.
  • helps normal digestion.
  • supports the detoxification processes of the kidneys and liver.

The coconut nectar used to sweeten the jam is harvested using a traditional hand method - pickers climb to the top of a coconut palm tree, where they attach a clay pot to the flower to collect the nectar. The nectar is harvested every 12 hours to keep it as fresh as possible. It is then left to reduce over a low heat. The fruit of the woodapple is collected by the locals either directly in their gardens or in the rainforest.


Ceylon Kokonati uses only single origin, ethically harvested non GMO ingredients for their products. Their products are vegan, gluten-free, suitable for keto, paleo and raw diets. They do not contain any refined white sugar.

By buying them, you support traditional livelihoods and reduce your carbon footprint - because the products are produced and packaged right at the harvest site. Ceylon Kokonati strives for 100% zero waste production.

This product is internationally accredited by Control Union, certified organic (EU and USDA NOP), ISO and/or HACCP certified.

Ceylon Kokonati manufactures its products in a family-run sweatshop, pays fair prices to its suppliers and manufacturers, and incorporates generations of knowledge into its production processes. It uses only the highest quality ingredients. So you can be sure that you are getting premium quality at a premium price. By buying flour, you support the traditional livelihoods of villagers in the dry areas of Sri Lanka. This allows the villagers to benefit from their years of knowledge and expertise.

The sale of these products plays a vital role in employment and economic support for the village community. Ceylon Kokonati provides the children of its employees with school books and stationery for the entire school year.

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Additional parameters

Category: Jams, jams, syrups
Vhodné pro: Keto-Paleo-GMO Free-Vegan-Bez lepku-Soy Free-Low Carb
Země původu: Srí Lanka
Výrobce: Ceylon Kokonati
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Kokosový džem bez cukru s exotickým ovocem Woodapple 🥥

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DP Avatar of author | 24/11/2023
V 10/23 jsem byl v Singapuru a tam jsem ve snídaňovém menu objevil potravinu t,j, kokosový džem.Vynikající!Proto když jsem po návratu domů objevil na netu výrobek s tímto názvem byl jsem nadšen.O to větší bylo zklamání po ochutnávce vašeho výrobku,který s kokosovým džemem má pouze společný název.Ten váš silně připomíná švestková povidla.Děkuji už si ho nikdy nekoupím!Povidla do buchet koupím všude.D.P.
P Avatar of author (Administrator) 27/11/2023
Dobrý den, pane Přibyle - vy tento komentář píšete jako bychom ten výrobek vyráběli my v ČR, to za prvé. Nevyrábíme ho my, ale na Srí Lance, kde ho takto nazývají. A za druhé, vy jste měl kokosový džem v Singapuru, zřejmě tzv. kaya, zatímco my prodáváme kokosový džem Woodapple ze Srí lanky. Zcela rozdílné produkty!!! Překlad co je to kaya: Kaya je sladká a krémová kokosová marmeláda, která se běžně podává na toastech nebo jako poleva na několika dezertech a dortech. Vyrábí se z několika jednoduchých ingrediencí, mezi něž patří kokosové mléko, vejce, cukr a listy pandánu, které mu dodávají výraznou zelenou barvu a voňavou vůni. Takže pokud se jedná o tento džem, což je asi nejznámější džem v Singapuru, je to zcela něco jiného než Woodapple ovoce, protože je z pandánových listů, které chutnají úplně jinak než Woodapple ovoce, ze kterého je tento džem. Woodapple chutná jako tamarind nebo jak vy píšete: česky švestková povidla. My preferujeme spíše chuť podobnou tamarindu - nejste jediný, kdo cestuje po světě a ochutnává mezinárodní kuchyň. Z vašeho tónu dosti vyplývá: nadřazenost a nabubřelost typicky česká vlastnost. Nikdo z nás nepotřebuje vědět, že jste byl v Singapuru v měsící říinu. Chápeme ale, že je nutno to zmínit, abyste se cítil lépe. Složení Woodapple: 55% opičí ovoce woodapple, 45% kokosový nektar. Složení Kaya: kokosové mléko, vejce, cukr a listy pandánu. Takže příště až budete kupovat výrobky na českých stránkách si raději přečtěte pořádně popis a zapamatujte si, co jste v zahraničí vlastně jedl, zda je to totéž než začnete někomu psát negativní a výsměšná hodnocení. Alespoň se neshodíte tím, že budete srovnávat, jak se anglicky říká, apples and oranges. Dvě zcela rozdílné věci.

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The Ceilon Kokonati brand was established in 2013. In its range you can find a variety of high quality and affordable products made from sustainably produced coconuts, spices and tropical fruits.

The brand's name refers to the country that its founders consider home, Ceylon, Sri Lanka, where the coconuts for the coconut line of products are grown and processed. Ceylon, a British Crown Colony from 1815-1948, is now known as Sri Lanka, but the founders of the brand prefer to call it Ceylon because it definitely sounds more exotic and "pure Ceylon" is a brand in itself, reminiscent of the fresh unique essence of pure Ceylon tea. "Kokonati" on the other hand is Maori for coconut, so absolutely the most appropriate brand name for the most coconutty goodness ever.

The Ceilon Kokonati brand is run by a married couple. The female founding half is Mrs. Bûmika, which means Lady of the Earth in Sanskrit. Her great-grandfather was one of the pioneers of coconut oil pressing in Ceylon, making her the fourth generation of coconut oil presser. The male founding half, Mr. Mosqi, in turn, is originally a pure Ceylon tea grower.

Ceylon Kokonati is wholly owned and operated in New Zealand. Loose products from Kokonati uses several ethical brands that produce clean, organic food and beauty products. By selling Kokonati products, rural communities and traditional livelihoods are supported. All their products are ethically harvested and there is almost no waste in their production. Each part of the coconut is used in the production of a different product. Kokonati products are single-ingredient, packaged directly at the source, never mixed, single-species, non-GMO and vegan.

With a passion for organic, regenerative farming, sustainability and collective partnerships, Kokonati products come only from small farms and mills in rural villages in Sri Lanka. Each Kokonati product is produced in a specialized mill that produces only that type of product. Quality is therefore the best it can be, and every step of production is backed by the experience and knowledge of many generations. Ceylon is blessed with an abundance of healthy, exotic fruits, nuts, herbs and spices.

Ceylon Kokonati follows the principles of balanced living - live and let live.

They're trying to keep everything in even better condition than when they found it..

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