In December, we have prepared various Christmas special offers for you, which you can find in the tab called SALE. Our tips for gifts for your loved ones can be found under the CHRISTMAS 2023 tab. Have a wonderful Christmas and shop for what makes sense for your health and well-being.

Who we are

We warmly welcome you to our site, PRAVÉ BIO.

Recently, we read from a marketing expert that customers are not interested in the past of our business and experience, but in their future with our e-shop.

Therefore, we should rather write about how shopping with us will go and what experience, benefit, or enjoyment you will get from it.

In short, our past life and business in London for 20 years taught us something utopian, so-called honest business, where customer satisfaction with quality and price comes first, and our profit comes second. Does it sound strange in Czech conditions? Yes, it does, but that’s how it is. We never started a business thinking we would make a fortune, and it didn’t matter what we sold, as long as we sold something. No.

We started our first e-shop with organic cosmetics in the UK back in 2010, called Purely Natural Cosmetics. Today, we run the e-shop, which delivers high-quality natural and certified organic cosmetics across Europe.

Our British e-shop gradually evolved into a store with specialized supplements and foods for the Czech and European markets under the name Until 2019, we were half in London and half here, but the flu epidemic in early 2020 permanently moved us back to the Czech countryside, specifically Moravian, as we are originally from the Zlín region.

In recent years, our business has grown into wholesale partnerships with leading online shops such as,,, and, and we would like it to grow even further. Help us with that. Support our business idea and honest Moravian hard work with a dose of English charm by falling in love with our products and buying them, either directly from us or through our resellers.

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What can you expect from us?

  • In-stock goods. If an item isn’t in stock, it’s just not in stock. Period. We hate terms like "available in so many days" or "available at the supplier." That’s not how we do things.
  • Shipping. We usually ship your order within 24 hours of payment, and let’s be honest, the best time to shop is over the weekend so that it’s on its way to you by Monday.
  • We offer gifts with orders based on the order’s value. You can choose your gift from a list of products in the first step of the shopping cart.
  • If a mistake happens on our end, we resolve it quickly and as simply as possible. We photograph orders before shipping to prevent any potential misunderstandings. We rarely have complaints because we try to prevent them in advance.
  • We save. One of the most expensive items is packaging material. That’s why we recycle everything. Our packages might not look luxurious, even though they contain luxurious products, but there’s a reason for that – we strive to keep costs as low as possible for you.
  • You won’t find a million brands with similar ingredients that do nothing for you. We carefully select supplements for our offer because there is too much on the market, and not everything is effective. We’re not a store specializing in supplements, but in a comprehensive range of food, nutrition, and cosmetic products, all in one place.
  • You won’t find Czech or foreign brands with so-called white-label products (these are mostly cheap ingredients bought from EU warehouses and manufactured by a company under someone’s label for a few hundred crowns). Why don’t we support them? These brands exist solely to make as much money as possible from the product. But you have no guarantee of pure origin, no international organic certification, no expertise, no brand history, nothing… just the seller’s or brand’s words claiming their collagen, protein, oil, nut butter, or supplement is the best and tastiest.
  • You won’t find below-average quality – we follow the motto that less is more and live by the principle that one isn’t rich enough to buy cheap things. Unfortunately, today’s world is set up so that quality costs more than quantity, and the composition of food and supplements in shops and pharmacies reflects that.
  • You also won’t find any brand secretly bought by one of the big corporations like Kraft, Coca-Cola, Nestlé, PepsiCo, P&G, Johnson & Johnson, Mars, Danone, General Mills, Kellogg's, and Unilever – we personally verify everything. Why? These huge corporations suppress business diversity and make it impossible for startups and small businesses to compete.

According to a report from the charity Oxfam: "The world’s biggest food and beverage companies have great power – but you have more. Because these corporations aren’t doing enough to help poor communities or our planet, you can use your power and stop buying their goods, changing how they do business."

  • If you’re into a paleo, keto, low carb, vegan, or sugar and gluten-free lifestyle, or even into biohacking, you’ll find everything you need with us.

It’s up to each of us how we eat, whether we take vitamins from quality sources or use placebos we saw advertised on TV, and whether we use natural and organic cosmetics. Today, we have the choice, and believe me, we do everything we can to keep our quality affordable, even though politicians don’t make it easy for us...

Who you give your money to today is very important for the fair running of this world, and know that by shopping with us, you’re helping to provide jobs for hundreds to thousands of hard-working, ordinary people who aren’t part of any corporation, don’t earn 100,000 or more a month, and don’t exploit the planet and the lives of poor people. You’re supporting people just like you, and that counts.

Thank you for reading this far, and we look forward to seeing you.

Honza Zaoral and Jana Čevelová


Every person is the author of their own health and illness

Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta, founder of Buddhism, 563-483 B.C.

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