In December, we have prepared various Christmas special offers for you, which you can find in the tab called SALE. Our tips for gifts for your loved ones can be found under the CHRISTMAS 2023 tab. Have a wonderful Christmas and shop for what makes sense for your health and well-being.
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36 items to display
Ayurvedic mixture for joints - Inflam-eez ovocné enzymy s raw kurkumou - 90 ks
Ajúrvéda směs na klouby - Inflam-eez - 90 ks
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 64

A powerful combination of fruit enzymes with organic raw turmeric, ginger and rosemary....

3 Magnesium Complex with L-Theanine contains 279 mg of elemental magnesium and 414 mg of L-Theanine - 90 caps
North American Herb & Spice | Komplex 3 hořčíků s L-Theanine - 90 ks
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 43

Discover PurelyMin's superior magnesium that is carefully formulated to transform your...

Herbal capsules - Oregamax původní turecká receptura pro celoroční podporu imunity - 90 ks
NORTH AMERICAN HERB & SPICE - Sušený extrakt z divokého oregana, sumaku, česneku a cibule - OREGAMAX [90 tobolek]
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 36

Discover the original power of the dried herb oregano, which grows and is hand-picked...

Black Seed rubber bands s černuchou pro podporu imunuty, trávení a srdce - 60 ks
Black Seed Gummies 60 1920x1900 Front
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 33

"Black Seed gummies from North American Herb & Spice are high quality dietary...

Concentrate from pine needles - Pine Power Plus borovice pro zdravé oči, dýchací cesty, imunitní systém, tvorbu červených krvinek - 240 ml
North American Herb & Spice | Koncentrát z jehličí- Pine Power Plus - 240 ml
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 44

A powerful combination of fruit enzymes with organic raw turmeric, ginger and rosemary....

Daily detox - Total Daily Purge+ mainly targets the liver, gallbladder, intestines, kidneys - 120 caps
North American Herb & Spice | Denní detox - Total Daily Purge+ - 120 kapslí
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 46

The Total Daily Purge+ from North American Herb & Spice is a revolutionary way to...

Black cumin oil with oregano and rosemary extracts rich in thymoquinone & bioactive compounds – 355 ml
NAHS | Olej z černého kmínu s extrakty z oregana a rozmarýnu
In stock (2 pcs)
€ 50

The best cold-pressed extra virgin oil from the seeds of black cumin. High quality oil...

Detox drops - LivaClenz detox enzyme production, liver support, antioxidants - 30 ml
North American Herb & Spice | Kapky detox - LivaClenz - 30 ml
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 42

A wild blend of oils from herbs such as coriander, fennel and oregano contribute to...

Wholefood enzymes - Gastronex rostlinný komplex 7 trávicích enzymů - 90 kapslí
Trávicí enzymy na bázi divokých bylin a koření - Gastronex
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 64

A complex of effective herbs, spices and fruit digestive enzymes to support normal...

Wild chaga coffee substitute – ChagaMilk delicious instant drink mix for vitality - 100 g
North American Herb & Spice Mléčný nápoj z divoké čagy ChagaMilk 100 g
New Organic
In stock (1 pcs)
€ 28

ChagaMilk is a vegan drink made from wild chaga that promotes body harmony and provides...

Patented symbiotics - Health-Bac™ 1 g = 1 billion bacterial strains of Winclove 505 - 100 g
North American Herb & Spice | Patentovaná symbiotika - Health-Bac™
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 52

Health Bac contains the patented Winclove 505 blend with a unique combination of...

Blood Sugar Support drops - Oregulin can also support immunity, digestion and pancreatic function - 30 ml
North American Herb & Spice | Blood Sugar Support kapky - Oregulin - 30 ml
In stock (3 pcs)
€ 42

It is an original complex of oils with spices and herbs that was developed as a natural...

Maca & Chaga dried drink - MacaMilk delicious coffee alternative for extra energy - 100 g
North American Herb & Spice | Maca & Čaga sušený nápoj - MacaMilk
New Organic
In stock (2 pcs)
€ 37

A delicious alternative to coffee that gives you energy and supports hormonal balance...

Digestion and immunity support - OregaBiotic pomalé uvolňování díky kapsli z včelího vosku - 60 kapslí
North American Herb & Spice | Podpora trávení a imunity - OregaBiotic - 60 ks
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 61

"OregaBiotic by North American Herb & Spice is a high quality herbal dietary supplement...

Blood Sugar Support - Oregulin can also support immunity and pancreatic function - 180 caps
North American Herb & Spice | Bylinné kapsle s kořením - Oregulin - 180 ks ks
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 61

It is an original complex of oils with spices and herbs that was developed as a natural...

Pumpkin oil - Pumpkinol suitable for food, salads, soups or vegetables - 355 ml
North American Herb & Spice | Dýňový olej - Pumpkinol - 355 ml
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 44

It can promote hormonal balance and vitality, especially in men. Pumpkin oil Pumpkinol...

Wild propolis - PropaHEAL emulgovaný, raw extrakt bez alkoholu a rozpuštědel - 30 ml
North American Herb & Spice | Divoký propolis - PropaHEAL - 30 ml
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 33

PropaHeal is a unique raw emulsified wild propolis extract produced by North American...

Garlic extract - Garlex při hubnutí, zmírňuje bolesti hlavy, tlumí záněty - 30 ml
North American Herb & Spice | Česnekový výtažek - Garlex - 30 ml
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 35

"Garlex is a unique extract of wild garlic, cold pressed in the mountainous regions of...

Herbal capsules - CeylonPower podpora funkce slinivky břišní pro normální hladinu cukru v krvi - 90 kapslí
North American Herb & Spice | Sušená skořice se zázvorem - CeylonPower - 90 ks
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 35

CeylonPower in capsules is the most fragrant, potent concentrate of wild ginger and...

Detox mixture - GreensFlush divoká pampeliška, kopřiva a lopuch - 60 ml
North American Herb & Spice |Detoxikační směs - GreensFlush - 60 ml
In stock (2 pcs)
€ 42

Raw detoxifying blend of three wild-growing, highly potent herbs - dandelion, nettle...

Rosemary extract - Rosemanol stimuluje chuť k jídlu, reguluje tvorbu žluči - 30 ml
North American Herb & Spice | Extrakt z rozmarýnu - Rosemanol - 30 ml
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 42

Wild rosemary can help as a preventative against aging, both for the internal organism...

Ceylon Ginger and Fennel - GingaMax 1100 mg účinné látky v denní dávce - 90 kapslí
North American Herb & Spice | Sušený cejlonský zázvor - GingaMax - 90 ks
In stock (>3 pcs)
€ 35

The potent combination of wild ginger, fennel and yacon root has beneficial effects on...

Dried golden milk - Golden Latte směs cejlonské kurkumy, skořice a zázvoru - 130 g
Směs kurkumy, skořice a zázvoru pro přípravu zlatého mléka - Golden latte
Sold Out
From € 18

A unique blend for the preparation of so-called golden milk, made from wild and...

Yacon syrup - YacoPower natural sweetener with zero glycemic index - 250 ml
North American Herb & Spice | Bio Jakonový sirup - YacoPower
Sold Out
From € 33

Organic yacon syrup is known for its low glycemic index, making it an ideal sweetener...

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