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Serum for oily skin - Herbs&Trees s čajovníkovým olejem, měsíčkem a vůní geránia - 30 ml

€2,69 / pcs €43,18 / pcs from €2,69 / pcs €1 345 / 1 l €1 439,33 / 1 l
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12/06/2024 12/06/2024 Choose variant
  • A complex of caring plant oils that have great effects on problematic skin
  • The serum is enriched with astringent essential oils that balance the skin's composition
  • Increases skin elasticity, prevents wrinkles and premature skin aging
  • Highest quality - guaranteed by BIO certification COSMOS ORGANIC


Detailed information

Unikátní produkty

Dovážíme originální zahraniční výrobky, které lokální trh postrádá

Balíme rychle a ekologicky

Odesíláme do 24-48 hodin, vše v recyklovaných materiálech

Záruka kvality

Značky vybíráme srdcem a řídíme se heslem – raději méně, ale kvalitně

Doprava zdarma

Utraťte min. 4000 Kč a neplaťte poštovné do Balíkovny

Product detailed description

Problematic skin suffering from acne and excessive sebum production needs extra special care that will unclog pores, relieve inflamed skin and regenerate it in the long term to reduce or disappear problems altogether. The astringent properties of geranium and tea tree oil give the skin the necessary balance. Calendula soothes, heals and softens irritated skin. Oargan, tea tree, jojoba and calendula oils work together to help problem skin relieve acne, eczema, redness and other symptoms. As a complex, these oils are also the best in the fight against skin aging, as they nourish, regenerate and supply the skin with the necessary nutrients to keep it healthy and beautiful.

properties of camellia oil (white tea tree)

Widely used in Japan for centuries, the precious camellia oil is very rich in unsaturated fatty acids - omega 9, minerals such as zinc, calcium, iron, manganese and magnesium, and vitamins A, B and E, which provide antioxidant, disinfectant and germicidal properties. Beautifully absorbed and deeply hydrating, this oil is suitable for all skin types, but is especially appreciated by people with acne, scars, wrinkles and sensitive or oily skin.

Thé Bianco - Organic tea tree oil from English brand Terre Verdi is produced by cold pressing the ripe seeds from the camellia tree. These rare trees do not start producing seeds until 7 years after planting, and take a full year to mature. The seeds are then collected by hand and cold-pressed. Therefore, this oil is very rare and expensive. The trees grow at high altitudes in Japan and are of course of organic quality. There are many kinds of tea tree oil from China on the market, the quality of which cannot be compared with the Japanese original. Beware of cheap substitutes.

As mentioned above, camellia oil contains natural squalene. What is it, anyway? Squalene is a component of human skin and its loss is considered one of the reasons for skin aging. In the human body, squalene reaches its highest level at the age of twenty and then declines rapidly. Squalene is an excellent anti-oxidant, prevents UV damage to the skin and the formation of pigment (age) spots, promotes cell growth, is antibacterial and does not irritate sensitive skin. It is highly absorbent and penetrates the skin deeply.

Summary of properties in short: Terre Verdi Organic Camellia Seed Oil:

tightens the skin
counteracts wrinkles and loss of firmness
reduces the formation of dandruff
free of preservatives and artificial fragrance - certified BIO


Sunflower oil is one of the most common vegetable oils and has significant moisturizing and regenerating effects, promotes blood circulation and helps heal skin diseases. Sunflower oil is often referred to as a warming oil. It stimulates local microcirculation in the tissues, warms them up and helps with pain or tense muscles. It is therefore particularly suitable for relaxing massages. At the same time, it supports the skin's natural regenerative ability, so it accelerates healing and promotes the recovery of acne or skin inflammation.

Sunflower oil is one of the most well-known vegetable oils. Described as warming, it promotes blood circulation to the skin and is therefore suitable as a base oil for natural cosmetic formulations. Helps healing of acne and eczema. It has emollient effects, thanks to the high content of vitamin E it heals and regenerates the skin. In cosmetology, massage practice, pharmacy and other fields, it occupies an important place. During hair wraps it regenerates and restores shine and elasticity to the hair.


Jojoba oil is very similar in composition to natural sebum. This makes it at home on the skin and the main advantage of jojoba oil is its ability to normalize sebum. This makes it suitable for all skin types, especially combination skin. Jojoba oil softens oily skin and reduces sebum production. On the other hand, dry areas are sufficiently lubricated and nourished. A few drops of jojoba oil massaged into damp hair will make it soft, smooth and restore its natural shine.

Jojoba oil is very suitable for all skin types. It is one of the most valuable natural oils. Maintained by the skin's natural moisture. With regular use, sensitive, dry and irritated skin becomes resistant again. It contains a balanced ratio of nourishing substances with healing ability. It treats, regenerates and smooths the skin and is also suitable for acne care .


Argan oil is suitable for day and night skin care, for treating the delicate skin around the eyes and is also excellent as a hair serum. Argan oil is considered the elixir of youth and is also known as "Moroccan gold". It is distinguished by its content of vitamins A and E, which have excellent antioxidant effects, and it also contains a significant amount of essential fatty acids. Argan oil has anti-inflammatory effects, protects the skin from premature aging and strengthens its natural protective film.

Argan oil also has excellent regenerative effects and helps to soften the skin. Suitable for dry and sensitive skin, it is suitable for acne, eczema and psoriasis. Promotes healing of wounds or burns. In addition, you can also use it on hair, especially dry hair, which it nourishes, helps to strengthen and gives them a beautiful shine.

This product is 99% Organic, Soil Association certified and Cruelty Free. It is 100% natural and VEGAN.

argania spinosa(argan) kernel oil*, camellia oleifera(white tea) seed oil*, helianthus annuus(sunflower) seed oil*, simmondsia chinensis(jojoba) seed oil*, calendula offi cinalis(calendula) extract*, tocopherol(vitamin E), melaleuca alternifolia(tea tree) leaf oil*, pelargonium graveolens(geranium) flower oil*, pogostemon cablin(patchouli) leaf oil*, boswellia neglecta(frankincense) oil*, limonene**, linalool**, geraniol**
* BIO component
** Natural component of essential oils
terre verdi herbs trees serum

Additional parameters

Category: Skin oils and serums
Výrobce: Terre Verdi Ltd.
Země původu: Velká Británie
Vhodné pro: Vegan-Certifikace BIO
Certifikace: Cosmos Organic, Soil Association Organic, Cruelty Free International

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Ranní rituál s kosmetikou Terre Verdi

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Buďme vstřícní vůči Planetě Zemi, Buďme vstřícní vůči sami sobě!

To je hlavní moto značky Terre Verdi, jejímž cílem je podporovat starost o Planetu a veškeré živé bytosti.

Terre Verdi je cenami ověnčená britská značka se sicilskou inspirací, která se specializuje na výrobu etických produktů pro vaši pleť a tělo pouze a jenom z certifikovaných bio složek. Vše je vyrobeno ručně a s láskou v malých dávkách. Celková produkce odráží absolutní respekt a péči o rodinu, starost o životní prostředí a poctivé jednání vůči zákazníkům i obchodním partnerům. Terre Verdi chce vyrábět výrobky, které léčí vaši kůži a zároveň těší vaši duši. Doufáme, že si je zamilujete stejně jako my a tisíce dalších zákazníků po celém světě.

Terre Verdi je jedna z úplně prvních britských značek, která vyvinula COSMOS certifikované bio produkty, a vůbec první britská značka, jejíž pleťový krém NeroliPom obdržel COSMOS BIO certifikaci od Soil Association. Tento pleťový krém taktéž obdržel ve VB následující ocenění: Zlato v kategorii SKINCARE (Péče o Pleť), JANEY LOVES 2018 Platinum Awards; Bronz v kategorii SKINCARE, the Green Parent Natural Beauty Awards 2017; Editor's Choice (Cena Editora) v kategorii SKINCARE, Beauty Shortlist Awards 2017.

Všechny výrobky kromě kávové masky jsou certifikovány BIO COSMOS asociací, v rozmezí 84-100% bio. Všechny výrobky jsou 100% přírodní. COSMOS je název pro mezinárodní standard certifikované bio kosmetiky, který vznikl spojením evropských certifikačních institutů jako jsou BDIH (Německo), COSMEBIO a ECOCERT (Francie), ICEA (Itálie) a SOIL ASSOCIATION (VB). Veškeré výrobky jsou Vegan a certifikovány Leaping Bunny.

Terre Verdi byla první značka ve VB, která použila pro své certifikované bio výrobky speciální obaly z biofotonického skla. Toto zvláštní sklo je navržené tak, aby chránilo obsah výrobků před běžným světlem, a udrželo je déle čerstvé a účinné. V dnešní době jsou na britském trhu pouze tři certifikované bio značky kosmetiky (včetně Terre Verdi), které toto sklo využívají.

Terre Verdi se závázala získávat své složky z těch nejkvalitnějších zdrojů, aby mohla jako značka nabízet nadprůměrné botanické formulace. Používání 100% rostlinných složek jde v ruku v ruce s jejich holistickým přístupem k péči o pokožku. Terre Verdi věří, že tělo, mysl a duše jsou propojeny, a proto při formulacích jednotlivých výrobků berou v potaz všechny tři prvky jako celek.

Majitelka Terre Verdi, Alessandra DeGregorio, vyhrála v roce 2017 cenu Blue Patch, Female Business Leader AWARD, jako projev uznání pro její neúnavnou práci v oblasti udržitelného rozvoje a dodržování vysokých etických zásad. Blue Patch je obchodním místem pro čistě britské značky se zaměřením na udržitelný rozvoj, a etickou, eko a bio výrobu jakéhokoliv druhu.