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Chaga (Birch Conk) Powder For immunity, vitality, skin & gut health - 60 g

€37,40 / pcs €623,33 / 1 kg
Skladem (>3 pcs)
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Chaga mushroom powder is an ideal way to get the protective antioxidant effects of this versatile vital mushroom. It gives you a powerful dose of antioxidants and SOD enzymes, essential amino acids and low molecular weight organic essential and trace minerals.

Detailed information

Unikátní produkty

Dovážíme originální zahraniční výrobky, které lokální trh postrádá

Balíme rychle a ekologicky

Odesíláme do 24-48 hodin, vše v recyklovaných materiálech

Záruka kvality

Značky vybíráme srdcem a řídíme se heslem – raději méně, ale kvalitně

Doprava zdarma

Utraťte min. 4000 Kč a neplaťte poštovné do Balíkovny

Product detailed description

Why buy

  • 800 mg of chaga in one dose (teaspoon).
  • Professionally compiled by mushroom experts.
  • Sustainably grown on Siberian birch.
  • Dairy, soy and gluten free and suitable for vegans.
  • Made in the UK.
  • 100% mushroom - no fillers, binders or additives.
  • It is harvested only in autumn and spring, when it has the highest concentration of active substances.
  • The source of the most effective chaga is Russia, Siberia.
  • You can find the analysis certificate in the Files tab.
  • It can have a beneficial effect on the immune system and gut health: prebiotic fibre supports healthy gut flora and the polysaccharides in chaga, including alpha- and beta-glucans, support a healthy immune system.
  • Adaptogenic balance: chaga is one of the adaptogenic mushrooms that support the body's ability to maintain a homeostatic balance despite the many stresses we encounter during the course of a normal day. A daily dose of chaga mushroom dietary supplement supports the body's ability to adapt and recover from stress.

ctWHZ67wWhat is a chaga mushroom

These mushrooms, traditionally called the "diamond of the forest" or "king of herbs", grow in the wild on Siberian birch trees. They get their impressive antioxidant profile from the nutrients they slowly draw from deep within the bark, which take decades to mature.

The chaga mushroom has its origins in Siberia, where it has long been considered the mushroom of immortality.

Chaga is rich in vitamins, minerals and compounds such as superoxide dismutase (SOD), betulinic acid and glutathione, making it one of nature's most impressive superfoods. In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), chaga has a warm, sweet energy and supports the liver, spleen and digestive fire.

Chaga is revered as an adaptogen that stimulates the body in times of stress, so try using this versatile chaga powder in a hot drink or mixing it into smoothies and other recipes.

Animal and test-tube studies have shown that chaga extract can boost immunity, prevent chronic inflammation, fight cancer, and lower blood sugar and cholesterol. However, further human studies are needed.

Although some research shows that chaga can help reduce inflammation, it can also make your immune system more active. People with autoimmune diseases should therefore seek medical advice before taking chaga.

Studies on cholesterol

Chaga extract can also have a beneficial effect on cholesterol levels and reduce the risk of heart disease.

In an eight-week study on rats with high cholesterol levels, chaga extract lowered "bad" LDL cholesterol, total cholesterol and triglycerides while increasing antioxidant levels.

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Similar studies have produced the same results, observing that - in addition to lowering "bad" LDL cholesterol - chaga increases "good" HDL cholesterol.

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Scientists believe that the antioxidants in chaga are responsible for its effects on cholesterol.

Again, further research in humans is needed to clearly understand the effect of chaga on cholesterol.

Composition and nutritional values

Organic Chaga (Inonotus obliquus) extract

Quality guarantee
  • This product is naturally gluten, dairy and soy free.
  • Suitable for vegetarians and vegans.
  • Free of fillers, binders, excipients and additives.
  • Third-party tested and DNA tested.
  • Screened for traces of heavy metals, pesticides and contaminants.



Take 1 to 2 doses (approximately 1/2 to 1 teaspoon) 1 to 3 times daily at least either 20 minutes before or 30 minutes after meals. Add chaga powder easily to food, drinks, teas and cocktails.


All M4L mushrooms are grown on selected organic farms in naturally identical conditions. Because their Chaga is sustainably grown for its bioactive nutrients on birch trees in Siberia, and then carefully harvested without damaging the trunk, these trees can continue to grow more amazing mushrooms. This also means that M4L mushrooms have a high nutrient content, similar to mushrooms grown in the wild.

All M4L products are third party tested to ensure the purity of the mushroom strain. They are also screened for contaminants, pesticides and heavy metals. So you can be sure that all our products are made to the highest quality and standards.

Extraction procedures

The first step is extraction using hot water. In this method, the chitin is dissolved in water, allowing the release of biologically active components that are also water soluble.

To achieve the highest yields of biologically active compounds, high temperature (99-189 ºC) is combined with high pressure (up to 345 kilopascals) to avoid breaking down the molecular structure of the biologically active components.

This is followed by the second step, namely extraction with hot ethanol. This process allows the release of substances that are not soluble in water. With this step, virtually all biologically active substances become bioavailable.

However, it is important to distinguish this process from a simple alcohol tincture, where simply pouring mushroom powder into the alcohol will not provide a similar effect. Unlike herbal preparations, chitin does not break down in alcohol.

Kdy užívat vitální houby čaga, cordyceps, maitake, reishi a jiné.

"When should I drink chaga?"

Chaga is great because it is beneficial to drink it at any time of the day. However, due to the strong adaptogenic properties of chaga, there are certain times of the day that are actually optimal for drinking chaga.

Adaptogenic superhero chaga

So what exactly are adaptogenic herbs? The clue is in their name. Adaptogens literally help your body adapt, adjust and recalibrate depending on the environment. So they can help you calm down in stressful situations, for example, or give you a boost of energy when you're tired.

That's why chaga is ideal to drink in the morning, noon and evening!

Yet there are a few key moments when drinking chaga can really help your body, and these are:

1. Immediately as the first warm drink in the morning

For those of us trying to limit our caffeine intake, chaga serves as a great alternative to tea and coffee.

Thanks to its adaptogenic properties, chaga is a great way to start the day. Plant adaptogens stimulate the nervous system differently than caffeine and other common stimulants. Stimulants in plant adaptogens regulate the metabolism of several individual elements of the stress system.

This means that the energy surge that chaga gives you is different from that of caffeine. Many people experience jitters, caffeine withdrawal headaches, and even stomach problems when drinking caffeine excessively.

Fortunately, chaga can give you a burst of energy without all these unwanted side effects.

If you want to maintain your caffeine habit but include chaga in your diet, you can always add a shot of coffee to your chaga tea. You can then slowly eliminate the need for caffeine by reducing the amount you add each day.

2. Bedtime for a great night's sleep

Because chaga is caffeine-free, you don't have to worry about it keeping you awake all night.

Thanks to its adaptogenic properties, Chaga helps your body adapt to stress and calm down after a long day. That's why it's the perfect drink to have at night before bed to get a good night's sleep and be refreshed for the next day.

3. In cold and flu season

Chaga has a reputation as a natural immunity booster, making it a great weapon in the fight against colds and flu.

This has been the subject of several different studies. The results of these studies on chaga suggest that this tree mushroom actually promotes the production of specialized proteins that stimulate white blood cells. These are essential for fighting harmful bacteria and viruses.

Like other edible mushrooms, chaga contains a large number of important nutrients. These include manganese, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, copper and phosphorus. All of these nutrients contribute to your overall health and give your body the fuel it needs to thrive.

Read more on this topic

Introduction to biohacking

Vegetarian and vegan diet

Be careful what medicinal mushrooms you eat and why

Kick up your immunity with wild herbs and mushrooms

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Additional parameters

Category: Vital mushrooms
Certification: Soil Association Organic
Size: 60 g
Specs: Vegan, Bez lepku, Biohacking, Allergen-free, Bez přidaného cukru, Organic certification, Cruelty Free, Doplněk stravy, Raw, Vital mushrooms, Adaptogen, Bez sóji, Bez obsahu těžkých kovů, Without additives and binders, Bez gmo, Pesticide-free
Výrobce: Living Planet Distribution Unit 1 Riverside Bellbrook Business Park Uckfield, TN22 1QQ
Země původu: Velká Británie
Vhodné pro: Raw-GMO Free-Vegetarián-Vegan

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S Avatar of author | 07/09/2023
Výtečná kvalita produktu. Oceňuji, že je zde chaga namletá na jemný prášek, takže se výtečně rozpustí ve vodě, pokud připravujete chaga latté, ale i smoothie. K přípravě postačuje menší množství než je uvedeno na obalu, protože tato chaga má skutečně sílu. Pokud někoho chcete naučit na konzumaci medicinálních hub pro jejich terapeutické benefity, tak tento produkt doporučuji vyzkoušet.
P Avatar of author (Administrator) 08/09/2023
Wow, mockrat dekujeme za hodnoceni Mushrroms4Life. Tyto houby jsou vsechny skvele. Skvela znacka. (:

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Společnost Mushrooms4life byla založena světově uznávaným výzkumníkem a autorem Martinem Powellem v rámci jeho poslání rozšířit dostupnost kvalitních bio přípravků za dostupné ceny. V Mushrooms4Life přistupují ke každé vitální houbě individuálně, a jsou si toho, že má každá svůj jedinečný charakter, vlastnosti a nutriční profil. Velice dbají na používání pouze těch nejkvalitnějších surovin, které pečlivě vybírají tak, aby podporovaly plnou aktivitu každé houby.

Do svých výrobků nikdy nepřidávají žádná pojiva, aditiva, umělé přísady nebo chemikálie a veškeré houby získávají přímo od prověřených odborných pěstitelů, takže si můžete být jisti, že dostanete tu nejvyšší kvalitu doplňku s nejpřínosnějšími vlastnostmi.